Spring 2018 started with a light snowfall.

I love it when it snows!

I ended up getting about 2-3 inches. Hello spring!!!

We need a beer to celebrate.

I also need to get rid of my stuff to make room for Molly’s.

Saturday morning vinyl.

Back in DC it was move out day.

Most of her stuff was packed…

And the truck had arrived.

It pays to pay someone to do this part of the job.

Molly and I took turns standing watch over the truck.

Our favorite lunch from El Rinconcito Cafe.

Empty bedroom…

Empty apartment.

Back at the house it was time to start unloading.

It didn’t take long…

Before the house…

…was overwhelmed with stuff.

That night we went to a Victoria Vox show at her house.

She played a song in each room of the house as a goodbye.

Yup, even the bathroom.

She sang the songs that she had writen in each of their respective rooms.

We had a great time that night!!!!

A few of the things we bought that night.

The next morning the reality of unpacking set in.

And while you can go out to have a bite to eat…

You’re still coming home to this mess.

No room in the house was immune to the problem.

Mathew stopped by to see the state of the house.

We made a LOTS of runs to the Salvation Army for donations.

Having to work late at the office isn’t that bad.

As part of the wedding planning, we needed to check out our wedding venue.

We had booked the venue three days after getting engaged.

Shelter 105 can hold up to 200 people at the low, low price of about $1pp.

The shelter looked great…

And we were very happy with our choice.

Being near water was important to me, and the Patapsco River fit the bill.

Afterwards we stopped for some drinks and Molly is giving me her “I’m not happy with you” face.

The bar was around the corner from Joe’s house, so he stopped by to say hi.

Saturday morning vinyl.

Another donation run, this time we needed a pickup truck. (Thanks Peter.)


Molly and I did the mani/pedi thing that night.

We went to Crate & Barrel…

To register for our wedding.

Wedding-registration-celebration beer.

What a happy couple.

Beer sharing party at Brent’s house.


Brent lives close, so we rode our bikes to his house.

Learning CPR at work.

Aatam bought the cool ring box I used for our proposal to use for his. The ring box was very flat and it lit up when it was open.

With my pirate look, Molly and I went out to dinner at a pirate bar.


Saturday morning vinyl.

Riley is cozy next to a fire at Brent’s house.

Another beer sharing night.

Sunday afternoon in Alexandria, VA.

We were headed to this restaurant…

For drinks…


And good times with Molly’s dad and his wife, Kasha.

On the way out of town we stopped by Port City Brewing Company.

Good beers…

And a fun space.

Molly getting fitted for proper running shoes.

The time had come to cut of my squids.

They were way too messy to try and untangle.

What a mess!!!

Of course, they were still in knots…

So I needed to really shave the beard down.

I found this place in Baltimore for Molly to try.

While I’m a fan of tots…

It was the authentic New Mexico food for which we came. Molly said it was REALLY good.

The slog of doing the wedding invites.

I loved the way they looked…

But hated putting them together.

Mailing them, however, was a great feeling!!

Cleaning out the bird box in hopes that we get bluebirds.

Dinner at Seasons 52 with my parents.

A weekend at the beach!!

Riley loves the beach.

He loves running around outside the condo, too.

Sometimes we sit on the front porch and enjoy the late day sun.

Dinner at Rare & Rye…

Which is super close to the condo.

It’s fun when you meet up with friends at the beach.

It’s not fun when you get sick at the beach. (I had a stomach virus that dehydrated me.)

Marriage license time.

Oh boy, it’s starting to feel real.

We need to celebrate with some food and wine.

Testing an early wedding gift, the hammock stand (I already had the hammock).

Stopping by Mat and Erin’s house…

Before heading to Baltimore for the night.

Fun use of the tap stand.

Who doesn’t love cheap music?

Mother’s day brunch with my parents at Tersiguel’s Restaurant.

I went to one of Taylor’s lacross games.

Mathew is one of the coaches.

Taylor winding up for a goal.

We kept the bench warm.

Taste-testing cupcakes for the wedding.

Molly’s old microwave now makes popcorn in the basement.

Saturday morning vinyl.

Wedding gifts were arriving. We opened them as they came and wrote the thank you cards immediately. We were able to mail our thank you cards the day after our wedding.

I scored this kegerator from work…

But I needed to run new lines.

Rob Dinkle stopped by to say hello.

We love sushi, and on this night, we made reseravtions at Katana Sushi for the rehersal dinner.

A Maryland favorite, the Preakness Stakes.

Much easier than counting the change by hand, and if you get a gift card, they often don’t charge you a fee.

More donation stuff. Will the mess never end?

Cleaning the keg compoents before running new lines.

We did an indian food brunch one afternoon, and Riley was happy to join.

The new lines were run…

And the beer was pouring.

We tried using Amazon Prime Fresh…

But they use TOO much plastic. Three limes, and each one was in its own bag.

They also used frozen plastic bottles of water to keep things cold.

The beer fridge at my work.

Once Port25, always Port25.

A fun work meeting in Baltimore.

My sump pump line clogged and this is what it looked like when the clog was released.

It was a really messy job.

Because our wedding was in a park, we had to buy park passes for everyone to get in.

Outdoor dinning with Riley is a good time.

Yummy nachos.

Riley would like some, too.

Molly happy with her purchases to refresh the fish tank.

How does it look?

Saturday morning vinyl.

Riley, always on the lookout for squirrels…

And a lap to lay in.

Out for my birthday with Peter and Molly for crabs!!!

Afterwards we went to Peter’s new apartment to check it out.

It was right on the (very swollen) Patapsco river.

He had a pool table, too!!

The Caps were in the Stanley Cup Finals…

And Molly and I bought tickets to see game 4.

The outside of Capital One Arena was a zoo…

And the inside was a sea of red.

We were VERY excited!!!!

We made sure to buy some souvenirs…

And then it was game time!!!

The Caps dominated the game.

Outside was crazy after the game.

There were fans everywhere.

I glad we went because it ended up being the last home game before they won the cup on the road.

For game 5, the final game, we headed to Frisco.

The Caps won!!!!

This is the hotel (and restaurant) where we booked a block of rooms for our wedding guests, so we stopped by to check it out.

They had a good beer selection.

Saturday morning vinyl.

Yet another donation run.

Molly wanted a cherry tomato plant, and this was our first yield.

After watching the Preakness, we needed to watch the Stakes, too.

JD stopped by that night and brought some vinyl to spin.

There had been a deadly flood of the Patapsco River, and the park where our wedding was taking place was closed indefinitely.

We were very concerned it was not going to open in time.

This is who is now cutting Riley’s hair.

It’s much easier when they come to you, plus she gives him fun collars.

Living the good life.

Making our own whiteboards at work.

Sushi again? Sure!!!

The life of living with a long haired gal.

Beer shopping for the wedding.

I gave my father a Brooks Robinson jersey for Father’s Day and a picture of me – when I was about 8 – at the Baseball Hall of Fame in front of the same jersey.

Sounds accurate to me.

Spring ended with my car not starting.

So off to Robert’s it goes. You’ll have to wait until summer to see if it made it back!!!