Molly and I were headed to New Mexico, and it was Riley’s first time flying.

He made for a fun travel companion.

Is it breakfast time?

Everyone loves Riley.

We got to the Albuquerque, New Mexico airport about an hour before Molly (she was coming from Kansas City, MO).

So we walked around the airport…

And then watched Molly’s plane land.

Molly’s father left a car for us at the airport to use.

Do you know the way to Santa Fe?

We arrived at Molly’s sister’s house and Molly ran into her auntie Christina!

Beerporn time for me when we went out to lunch.

We had some yummy food after 12 hours of travel.

Beautiful landscapes.

Back at Molly’s mom’s house, we settleed in for the evening.

After traveling and meeting new people for 16 hours, it was time to relax.

Riley loves looking out the window.

The next morning, we went for a walk around the neighborhood…

And then headed into Santa Fe for breakfast.

Turns out I’m a green chile guy.

We headed to the Santa Fe Plaza, where I found…

My wedding ring!!!!

I wasn’t quite sure about it at first, so we went for a walk.

We hit a few shops along the plaza…

And checked out a few side streets…

Before heading back and trying the ring out again.

We pulled the trigger and bought the ring, and then headed to Desert Dogs Brewery for a beer.

Next, we found a wedding ring for Molly.

The store where we bought Molly’s ring.

Her store is on the left, mine is on the right.

This is the case where I found my ring.

Molly used to work in this store.

We loved these lamps and want them for the house.

With all the big purchases, it was time for a drink.

Molly’s mom met up with us while we were drinking…

And they soon left and went wedding dress shopping.

This store was right across the street…

And I found my wedding outfit in here.

Wedding rings and my outfit done, time for another brewery.

The beers at Blue Corn Brewery were pretty good.

After I met back up with Molly, we headed to Chililine Brewing.

A good selection of beers.

The house where Molly grew up.

Back to Molly’s sister’s house for some family time.

Riley out for a walk!

Back at Molly’s mom’s house it was time for some R&R.

The next morning we relaxed some more around the house…

And then went shopping.

We bought beer at the store!!!!

We were getting set up for…

A bachelorette party for Molly.


Molly opening her presents.

Another walk for Riley!

Molly and her mom.

We went out to open mic at one of Santa Fe’s institutions. Molly had never been!

It was a funny and lively crowd.

Out to dinner that night…

For some authentic Santa Fe cuisine.

The next day we had to take Molly’s Mom to the airport.

This part of the counrty is very beautiful.

Molly is always sad to see her mom go.

Back in the car and Molly and I headed to…

The Sandia Peak Tramway.

It’s amazing how quickly you can climb in elevation.

Molly bought our tickets…

And we waited for the tram to return.

Time to board!!

Not for those with a fear of heights.

Passing the downhill tram on the way.

A wonderfully textured landscape.

The rise in elevation caused the air in my snacks to expand.

The uise of hoillow pipes for an interesting method of locating landmarks.

It was really cold on top.

There is a ski area on the backside that was being worked on.

That’s snow.

We hiked down to this vantage point, but I was getting light headed from the thin air…

So we went back to the tram, taking note of the 10,378 foot elevation.

Queuing in line for the trip down.

n our way back to Santa Fe we stopped here, but they weren’t open.

So we continued on down the road…

And stopped in Madrid, New Mexico.


A little background on the taven we were drinking in.

It had a very New Mexico feel to it.

This town was very small.

We hopped across the street to another restaurant.

That had a fun outside dinning area.

And the grits there were REALLY good.

Notice the space ship above the cow?

Back in Santa Fe we went to the Second Street Brewery.

The place was very nice inside.

The beers currently on tap.

It seems they had a nice rotation of beers over the course of the year.

That night Molly took me to a very special place.

It was a Spa up on the mopuntain.

We got into our robes and were shown the way to…

Our private area.

It was a very relaxing time.

Some of the amenities offered at the spa.

Afterwards we stopped in downtown for some drinks.

It was a nice way to finish off our spa time.

On the way home we stopped at a gas station for some late-night eats.

They were as bad as they looked.

Time to leave Santa Fe and head home.

Riley didn’t mind the airports…

Of course, he loved the food…

People watching…

And always being with us.

Molly says goodbye to her hometown.

In Denver, there was a pet relief area.

It smelled awful, and Riley hated it, but he used it.

We rewarded him with some food.

We’re supposed to keep him in the bag on the plane…

But he likes to be held…

And does better hiden under a blanket.

Landed in Baltimore…

And Riley led the way home.

Look at all the fun beer we brought back with us!!!