Heading into New York City one Saturday morning for a wedding.

We arrvied at the chruch…

And it seems there were a few people there already.

Molly and I took our seats in the back by the groom.

No picutes furing the wedding, so this is us leaving to head to the reception.

We arrived at the reception slightly before Donna and Joe.

The reception wasn’t open yet, so we grabbed a beer. In the background is a very fuzzy Statue of Liberty.

It was a great day to be outside.

There was a great view from the reception…

And we took a group picture to commemorate the occasion.

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Liston.

Some first dance action…

And then it was on to the toasts.

THe food was good.

60% of the guys weekend crew.

Check out this beauty!!!!

Kelli and Sarah got in some dancing.

It’s funny how well we all get along.

Molly and I took a photo with New York in the background…

And then another with the Statue of Libery…

Before grabbing one last shot with Donna and Joe before heading home.