While our party is wine themed, I like to have a nice selection of beer available, too.
Rob and Kristi were the first to arrive.
I wasted no time in getting a good beer.
Their first wine party together.
Kelli made lots of food to eat…
And Boris was happy to sample the selections.
About an hour in and the party was really getting along.
Some of the guys headed downstairs.
For ease of access, we decided to let everyone set their coats near the door. Much easier when it came time to leave.
Mixin’ and minglin’.
The smoking section.
Peter playing pool.
About 90 minutes into the party I ran into Kelli. Seriously, I rarely see her during the party.
Watching Adele on the big screen.
Enjoying the upstairs atmosphere.
Both Rob and Rob made the trip this year.
With an hour drive, Susan and Rob had to head back to relieve the babysitter.
Dave brought some really good beer to try.
Casey made her first appearance!
Rob road out in style.
Peace on Earth.
Shot time!!!!
The girls needed to have their dance competition.
New lovers can’t be apart.
As the evening continued…
everyone was feeling pretttyyyyy great.
Friends for 35 years.
The white top club.
The “it’s 12:30 and we’re still drinking” section.
Lots of wine had been consumed over the course of the night.
And it was finally time to say goodbye to everyone.
But not before I serenaded Joe and Pat.
After everyone left…
I spent the next hour cleaning the house.
About 20 bottles of wine were emptied over the course of the night.
The snow the next morning missed our party by about 12 hours. The night was a success!