Christmas 2013

Christmas started with Kelli and I leaving the house and...

Christmas started with Kelli and I leaving the house and…

Heading to church for a Christmas Eve service.

Heading to church for a Christmas Eve service.

From there we headed to my brothers and gave the kids their gifts.

From there we headed to my brothers and gave the kids their gifts.

I gave my brother beer...

I gave my brother beer…

And he also gave me beer!!!!!

And he also gave me beer!!!!!

Amber loves the outfit Aunt Kel got her for Christmas.

Amber loves the outfit Aunt Kel got her for Christmas.

The cat trap worked perfectly on Angel.

The cat trap worked perfectly on Angel.

Amber and I went to the store to get wine for Erin, and Amber tells me this bottle looks like her mom.

Amber and I went to the store to get wine for Erin, and Amber tells me this bottle looks like her mom.

Back at my brothers, and it was performance time.

Back at my brothers, and it was performance time.

First up was Taylor on the xylophone…

Followed by Amber doing a song and dance.

We did a family shot before heading to...

We did a family shot before heading to…

Dave and Courtney's house.

Dave and Courtney’s house.

Gingerbread martinis for the ladies.

Gingerbread martinis for the ladies.

The kids played upstairs most of the night.

The kids played upstairs most of the night.

Well, the younger kids, that is.

Well, the younger kids, that is.

The dogs...

The dogs…

They followed everyone looking for dropped food.

They followed everyone looking for dropped food.

Nice face, Mark.

Nice face, Mark.

The music was playing....

The music was playing….

And dancing was happening all over the room.

And dancing was happening all over the room.

I think it had to do with the drinking.

I think it had to do with the drinking.

Everyone sporting their football gear.

Everyone sporting their football gear.

After that we did a family shot in front of the tree...

After that we did a family shot in front of the tree…

And then a goofy one for fun.

And then a goofy one for fun.

The man of the house.

The man of the house.

Looks like someone didn't quite make it into this picture.

Looks like someone didn’t quite make it into this picture.

Back home that night it was time to sleep in front of the tree.

Back home that night it was time to sleep in front of the tree.

The next morning Riley put on his Christmas sweater before heading out.

The next morning Riley put on his Christmas sweater before heading out.

At Kristi's house it looks like Santa was happy.

At Kristi’s house it looks like Santa was happy.

I gave Ashley and Sophia a dictionary and thesaurus set. Ashley promptly looked up "virgin".

I gave Ashley and Sophia a dictionary and thesaurus set. Ashley promptly looked up “virgin”.

Rob was in the kitchen making omelettes.

Rob was in the kitchen making omelettes.

They were the best!!!!

They were the best!!!!

Pete stopped by to pick up the girls...

Pete stopped by to pick up the girls…

And we headed to the next stop for the day...

And we headed to the next stop for the day…

Beth's house for some food and cocktails.

Beth’s house for some food and cocktails.

Lots of good food to eat.

Lots of good food to eat.

Her family was on hand to celebrate Christmas.

Her family was on hand to celebrate Christmas.

If you want to rent the Clear Channel billboard outside Beth's window to send her a message, the billboard number is 023150.

If you want to rent the Clear Channel billboard outside Beth’s window to send her a message, the billboard number is 023150.

Kelli left a Christmas note on one of the kid's toys.

Kelli left a Christmas note on one of the kid’s toys.

Dearest friends!!!

Dearest friends!!!

That's it for this stop...

That’s it for this stop…

Our next stop was at Kelli's mother's house.

Our next stop was at Kelli’s mother’s house.

Aunt Kel and Jillian played with the barbies...

Aunt Kel and Jillian played with the barbies…

Then we said goodbye....

Then we said goodbye….

And headed to my parents house for dinner.

And headed to my parents house for dinner.

My mother had a few old pictures of me...

My mother had a few old pictures of me…

And I thought I would share them with you.

And I thought I would share them with you.

We exchanged gifts...

We exchanged gifts…

And had a few drinks (the BAC tester is a gift I gave Kelli).

And had a few drinks (the BAC tester is a gift I gave Kelli).

Before heading back over to Kelli's mothers for a final goodbye.

Before heading back over to Kelli’s mothers for a final goodbye.

There are 4 comments left

  1. Marc Peterson /

    Thank you for keeping me on your mailing list, Scott! It is great to see you and your family having so much fun all the time. It would be great to run into you again sometime.


    1. Scott Habicht / Post Author

      If you’re ever in the Baltimore/DC area let me know.

  2. Dave Cedrone /

    Love the BAC meter! gift! Enjoyed the pics of your fam having fun!

    1. Scott Habicht / Post Author

      The BAC meter is a lot of fun to use, and I must say, good at keeping everyone in check.

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