Spring 2013

Spring started with a showing of the original Star Wars for Ashley and Sophia. Apparently a sofa tent was required for viewing.

Spring started with a showing of the original Star Wars for Ashley and Sophia. Apparently a sofa tent was required for viewing.

After a long night, this is how Sophia slept.

After a long night, this is how Sophia slept.

This is how Riley sleeps.

This is how Riley sleeps.

A pileated woodpecker sighting in my backyard. Very cool!

A pileated woodpecker sighting in my backyard. Very cool!

The annual Ravens Roost Bull and Oyster Roast.

The annual Ravens Roost Bull and Oyster Roast.

Oysters, of course.

Oysters, of course.

Gambling was to be had, as well.

Gambling was to be had, as well.

My table. Peter decided to wear purple. I don't think I would have worn yellow...

My table. Peter decided to wear purple. I don’t think I would have worn yellow…

But I would dance at a Steelers party.

But I would dance at a Steelers party.

Find the men doing the line dance.

Find the men doing the line dance.

Hanging out with Victoria Vox and Katie Chambers.

Hanging out with Victoria Vox and Katie Chambers.

Opening Day for the Orioles and we were hanging with our Ravens Roost in Baltimore.

Opening Day for the Orioles and we were hanging with our Ravens Roost in Baltimore.

We did a bar crawl through Federal Hill.

We did a bar crawl through Federal Hill.

Arriving at the stadium it was game time!!!

Arriving at the stadium it was game time!!!

We had great seats right down the foul line.

We had great seats right down the foul line.

We headed to Georgetown one morning beacuse Ashley loves the show D.C. Cupcakes.

We headed to Georgetown one morning beacuse Ashley loves the show D.C. Cupcakes.

We waited in line for our chance to buy some yummies.

We waited in line for our chance to buy some yummies.

There were lots of cupcakes from which to choose.

There were lots of cupcakes from which to choose.

These are the ones Kelli and I decided on getting.

These are the ones Kelli and I decided on getting.

Mathew came over one night, and Erin took a nap on my sofa...

Mathew came over one night, and Erin took a nap on my sofa…

While Mathew and I hung around and drank some beers.

While Mathew and I hung around and drank some beers.

Ashley and Sophia were on a softball team together.

Ashley and Sophia were on a softball team together.

It was like a starter league.

It was like a starter league.

Pete was on hand to keep score for the day.

Pete was on hand to keep score for the day.

Sophia had a couple of base hits, too.

Sophia had a couple of base hits, too.

She had a few fielding attempts.

She had a few fielding attempts.

Both of them scored runs.

Both of them scored runs.

In this case, Sophia advanced Ashley to third with a base hit.

In this case, Sophia advanced Ashley to third with a base hit.

Family time.

Family time.

Having completed my BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) prep class, I was asked to be a beer judge at Ellicott Mills Brewing Company.

Having completed my BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) prep class, I was asked to be a beer judge at Ellicott Mills Brewing Company.

It was a homebrew contest...

It was a homebrew contest…

With the winner getting their beer brewed by EMBC.

With the winner getting their beer brewed by EMBC.

Later that night it was out for more drinking with friends.

Later that night it was out for more drinking with friends.

Clydes 10K...

Clydes 10K…

And Kelli and I crossed the finish line about the same time.

And Kelli and I crossed the finish line about the same time.

Post race fun and I made sure to get the people tree in the background.

Post race fun and I made sure to get the people tree in the background.

Ashley modeling her new robe.

Ashley modeling her new robe.

Ashley's birthday, and Kristi made her a cheesecake.

Ashley’s birthday, and Kristi made her a cheesecake.

Kelli is in a bowling league...

Kelli is in a bowling league…

And this is her partner, Hippie.

And this is her partner, Hippie.

All the fun people in her league.

All the fun people in her league.

At the beach, and looking below my porch.

At the beach, and looking below my porch.

This beer rack at Anthony's has now been replaced with a cooler!!!

This beer rack at Anthony’s has now been replaced with a cooler!!!

How Tom is teaching Ava to ride a bike.

How Tom is teaching Ava to ride a bike.

He does most of the work, but she is happy to ride.

He does most of the work, but she is happy to ride.

The reason we were in Ocean City was to see the G-13 reunion show.

The reason we were in Ocean City was to see the G-13 reunion show.

Before my condo in the 1950s. You can see the one part of the building in front of mine in the middle of the picture.

Before my condo in the 1950s. You can see the one part of the building in front of mine in the middle of the picture.

Here it is again to give you a better idea.

Here it is again to give you a better idea.

Hard to see, but this is a fox running around near my condo.

Hard to see, but this is a fox running around near my condo.

That is a bald eagle in the tree on the way home crossing the Nanticoke River.

That is a bald eagle in the tree on the way home crossing the Nanticoke River.

Coming home from a business trip in NYC.

Coming home from a business trip in NYC.

Celebrating my mother-in-law's birthday.

Celebrating my mother-in-law’s birthday.

And then relaxing afterwards.

And then relaxing afterwards.

Kelli ran the Iron Girl half marathon.

Kelli ran the Iron Girl half marathon.

It was part of a two race set to get a special medal.

It was part of a two race set to get a special medal.

We all met at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast one morning.

We all met at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast one morning.

Heading to a school play in Westminister.

Heading to a school play in Westminister.

We had extra time, so we had a drink...

We had extra time, so we had a drink…

Before heading to the school play.

Before heading to the school play.

Carleigh and Mark were both in the play.

Carleigh and Mark were both in the play.

They both did really well!!!

They both did really well!!!

Afterwards we hung out at Courtney and Dave's house.

Afterwards we hung out at Courtney and Dave’s house.

Part 2 of the half marathon race thing, and it was time for packet pickup.

Part 2 of the half marathon race thing, and it was time for packet pickup.

Here is the course Kelli will be running.

Here is the course Kelli will be running.

Riley was happy to join the fun.

Riley was happy to join the fun.

From Frederick to the DC101 Chilli Cook-Off to see Soundgarden!!!

From Frederick to the DC101 Chilli Cook-Off to see Soundgarden!!!

Kelli, enjoying her 250th beer at Victoria Gastro Pub.

Kelli, enjoying her 250th beer at Victoria Gastro Pub.

This is where her name eventually ended up.

This is where her name eventually ended up.

How many of you have cassette tapes left?

How many of you have cassette tapes left?

Riley looking down from the loft in my brother's garage.

Riley looking down from the loft in my brother’s garage.

Barefoot for a walk in the wet grass.

Barefoot for a walk in the wet grass.

Half Marathon #2.

Half Marathon #2.

After finishing the second race she got a medal for the frist one, a medal for the second one, and a special medal that shows she ran two half marathons in one weeks time. Titanium Girl!

After finishing the second race she got a medal for the frist one, a medal for the second one, and a special medal that shows she ran two half marathons in one weeks time. Titanium Girl!

Out for a bike ride with Ashley, and we stopped by Race Pace to buy a bike lock.

Out for a bike ride with Ashley, and we stopped by Race Pace to buy a bike lock.

A night in the city, and Kelli preps Kristi.

A night in the city, and Kelli preps Kristi.

Does the lipstick look good?

Does the lipstick look good?

Nothing like standing in an alley drinking a beer.

Nothing like standing in an alley drinking a beer.

We were there to see Can't Hang at the 8x10.

We were there to see Can’t Hang at the 8×10.

The inaugural Wine in the Woods 5K. Kelli ended up getting 2nd place in her division.

The inaugural Wine in the Woods 5K. Kelli ended up getting 2nd place in her division.



Mother's Day at my parent's house.

Mother’s Day at my parent’s house.

Taylor made Aunt Kel a card.

Taylor made Aunt Kel a card.

Mathew asked Taylor to hold his beer, and I thought it would make for a funny picture.

Mathew asked Taylor to hold his beer, and I thought it would make for a funny picture.

Erin visited her mother on Mother's day, too.

Erin visited her mother on Mother’s day, too.

Taylor had a lacross game, and Mathew is one of the coaches...

Taylor had a lacross game, and Mathew is one of the coaches…

So I went out to watch the game.

So I went out to watch the game.

Ashley sang the national anthem at Camden Yards before an Orioles game with her singing group, The Station Singers.

Ashley sang the national anthem at Camden Yards before an Orioles game with her singing group, The Station Singers.

Steve and I got a beer after the singing was done.

Steve and I got a beer after the singing was done.

We all hung around for the game afterwards.

We all hung around for the game afterwards.

It had rained, so we moved a lot closer.

It had rained, so we moved a lot closer.

Having an after-work beer.

Having an after-work beer.

Isn't he the best!!

Isn’t he the best!!

Rob Dinkle's new bike.

Rob Dinkle’s new bike.

And a picture of him sitting on it.

And a picture of him sitting on it.

Finishing a race with my phone in hand so I could add it to mapmyrun.com. As a note, I missed a 5K PR (Personal Record) by 5 seconds.

Finishing a race with my phone in hand so I could add it to mapmyrun.com. As a note, I missed a 5K PR (Personal Record) by 5 seconds.

More lacross, this time Mark playing goalie.

More lacross, this time Mark playing goalie.

Dave is a coach on his team.

Dave is a coach on his team.

Courtney is part of the cheering section in the stands.

Courtney is part of the cheering section in the stands.

The first picture with my new phone, the Nokia Lumia 928 Windows Phone.

The first picture with my new phone, the Nokia Lumia 928 Windows Phone.

The camera does really well in low light.

The camera does really well in low light.

And Riley makes any picture look good!!!

And Riley makes any picture look good!!!

Jillian playing with some bubbles in her backyard.

Jillian playing with some bubbles in her backyard.

Again, very good for low light and no flash.

Again, very good for low light and no flash.

With the flash, it does well, too.

With the flash, it does well, too.

I finally have a camera phone that frees me from carrying around the bigger camera all the time.

I finally have a camera phone that frees me from carrying around the bigger camera all the time.

Looking through binoculars with the phone to get a picture of a baby hawk.

Looking through binoculars with the phone to get a picture of a baby hawk.

They ended up watching the first three Star Wars movies over a few weeks time.

They ended up watching the first three Star Wars movies over a few weeks time.

Kristi made rice krispie treats, my favorite!!!

Kristi made rice krispie treats, my favorite!!!

Beth stopped by one night...

Beth stopped by one night…

And posed for a goofy picture.

And posed for a goofy picture.

I still carry the big camera around when I do professional photography. This is a great local band, 9 Mile Roots.

I still carry the big camera around when I do professional photography. This is a great local band, 9 Mile Roots.

20+ years ago they worked at Wendy's together.

20+ years ago they worked at Wendy’s together.

Kelli doing a great job making the front of the house look good.

Kelli doing a great job making the front of the house look good.

Taking a rest with Riley.

Taking a rest with Riley.

We had our bluebirds come back, and they had babies!!!

We had our bluebirds come back, and they had babies!!!

Kelli and I ran the Full Moon Run on the NCR trail. It's really dark...

Kelli and I ran the Full Moon Run on the NCR trail. It’s really dark…

So everyone wears glow sticks.

So everyone wears glow sticks.

Later we headed to Victoria Vox's for a party out back of her house.

Later we headed to Victoria Vox’s for a party out back of her house.

It was fun, for sure!!!

It was fun, for sure!!!

My mother's birthday at her house, and Amber was coloring.

My mother’s birthday at her house, and Amber was coloring.

Gift opening time!!!

Gift opening time!!!

A butterfly outside of her house. Maybe someone else stopped by on Mother's Day.

A butterfly outside of her house. Maybe someone else stopped by on Mother’s Day.

Later I headed to Brian Shadrick's house to see him and the family.

Later I headed to Brian Shadrick’s house to see him and the family.

And later that day, Ashley had Aunt Kel put pink in her hair.

And later that day, Ashley had Aunt Kel put pink in her hair.

Sophia, or course, had to have some, too.

Sophia, or course, had to have some, too.

With Sophia's birthday the day before, we celebrated her birthday with a cake...

With Sophia’s birthday the day before, we celebrated her birthday with a cake…

And dinner at Red Robin.

And dinner at Red Robin.

Later it was out to Catonsville...

Later it was out to Catonsville…

For some good times and drinks.

For some good times and drinks.

Time to clean out the closet and donate what needs to go.

Time to clean out the closet and donate what needs to go.

My office at work.

My office at work.

Playing with the photo frame features on the phone.

Playing with the photo frame features on the phone.

Band night, and Brian and I have a beer together.

Band night, and Brian and I have a beer together.

My dining room will soon be a library.

My dining room will soon be a library.

We get lots of birds, like this tufted titmouse.

We get lots of birds, like this tufted titmouse.

The male bluebird always keeps a close watch on things.

The male bluebird always keeps a close watch on things.

And the female bluebird was busy eating the worms I put out.

And the female bluebird was busy eating the worms I put out.

And the heavens above like Riley.

And the heavens above like Riley.

Ashley sang at school...

Ashley sang at school…

And I made the trip to go see her.

And I made the trip to go see her.

She is always so serious when it is time to sing.

She is always so serious when it is time to sing.

After the show.

After the show.

The view from my office.

The view from my office.

Having fun with beerporn and my phone.

Having fun with beerporn and my phone.

I sent to Kelli to let her know what I was doing for lunch.

I sent to Kelli to let her know what I was doing for lunch.

Amber made this for me for my birthday without anyone telling her to do so (It now hangs on the wall in my office).

Amber made this for me for my birthday without anyone telling her to do so (It now hangs on the wall in my office).

Mathew and Erin got a new pool.

Mathew and Erin got a new pool.

And we enjoyed dinner together.

And we enjoyed dinner together.

For Taylor's birthday I gave him a phone and http://www.taylorhabicht.com/. He can publish to the website from the phone.

For Taylor’s birthday I gave him a phone and http://www.taylorhabicht.com/. He can publish to the website from the phone.

Trading doubles of "Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom" cards.

Trading doubles of “Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom” cards.

A painting by Erin Habicht for my Aunt.

A painting by Erin Habicht for my Aunt.

Sunglasses, Kelli's birthday gift to me.

Sunglasses, Kelli’s birthday gift to me.

Watching Sophia...

Watching Sophia…

And Ashley at the pool one evening.

And Ashley at the pool one evening.

The bluebirds had finally laid eggs!!!

The bluebirds had finally laid eggs!!!

Back at the pool again...

Back at the pool again…

And then home for some TV.

And then home for some TV.

What is it with girls and liking to peel dead skin off?

What is it with girls and liking to peel dead skin off?

A great pilsner to try if you have never had it before.

A great pilsner to try if you have never had it before.

After seeing what Kelli did to her closet, I thought it was time to clean out mine. Three bags in total came out.

After seeing what Kelli did to her closet, I thought it was time to clean out mine. Three bags in total came out.

The orphaned hangers.

The orphaned hangers.

Kelli finally made the wall at Victoria Gastro Pub.

Kelli finally made the wall at Victoria Gastro Pub.

Peter, also a club member.

Peter, also a club member.

Here is everything we ended up donating this time around.

Here is everything we ended up donating this time around.

Going to see Peter at his new home.

Going to see Peter at his new home.

Oh, hello!!

Oh, hello!!

A very spacious place.

A very spacious place.

Kristi ran her first 5K!!!

Kristi ran her first 5K!!!

I carved that heart in the tree about 2-4 weeks before we were married in 2001. 12 years later and you can still see it.

I carved that heart in the tree about 2-4 weeks before we were married in 2001. 12 years later and you can still see it.

Tuna steaks on the grill.

Tuna steaks on the grill.

I think I need to spend more time drinking with this guy.

I think I need to spend more time drinking with this guy.

One of the fun things about Natty Boh.

One of the fun things about Natty Boh.

A picture we posted on Taylor's website.

A picture we posted on Taylor’s website.

Amber doing her best to blow up a ballon.

Amber doing her best to blow up a ballon.

Pink is the color of her room.

Pink is the color of her room.

She said my beer looked like a black person in her doll house.

She said my beer looked like a black person in her doll house.

Locally brewed in Baltimore.

Locally brewed in Baltimore.

We all have a height wall in our house.

We all have a height wall in our house.

Riley on a walk in the woods.

Riley on a walk in the woods.

Band night and playing music in the basement.

Band night and playing music in the basement.

Geese crossing the street at work.

Geese crossing the street at work.

My coffee, roasting as I wait.

My coffee, roasting as I wait.

How you know you have the good spot when scratching Riley.

Testing video with the phone by throwing a ball around.

Riley loves car rides.

Riley loves car rides.

It's always good to make sure you have pictures of your car. I have no pictures of a couple that I owned and that makes me sad.

It’s always good to make sure you have pictures of your car. I have no pictures of a couple that I owned and that makes me sad.

Crabs in Maryland are a true treat!!!

Crabs in Maryland are a true treat!!!

Amber, like her mother, is becoming quite the artist.

Amber, like her mother, is becoming quite the artist.

Mathew with the Saturn.

Mathew with the Saturn.

About a week after these pictures the car finally died.

About a week after these pictures the car finally died.

With nothing to do on a Saturday morning, I relaxed on the deck with Riley...

With nothing to do on a Saturday morning, I relaxed on the deck with Riley…

And watched the birds, like this American Goldfinch.

And watched the birds, like this American Goldfinch.

They hang upside down on this feeder to eat.

They hang upside down on this feeder to eat.

My daily attitude.

My daily attitude.

The bluebird eggs finally hatched!!!

The bluebird eggs finally hatched!!!

And the bluebirds were busy feeding their babies.

And the bluebirds were busy feeding their babies.

Down in Baltimore one evening for dinner at Chazz.

Down in Baltimore one evening for dinner at Chazz.

We walked from there back therough Harbor East...

We walked from there back therough Harbor East…

And then drove over to the 8x10 to see the Eastern Electric.

And then drove over to the 8×10 to see the Eastern Electric.

Father's Day brunch at Victoria's.

Father’s Day brunch at Victoria’s.

The food was great, as always!!!

The food was great, as always!!!

We brought home some bacon for Riley.

We brought home some bacon for Riley.

Kelli misses her Del Sol.

Kelli misses her Del Sol.

After Father's Day brunch we headed to the lakefront to pour beer for EMBC at the Columbia Arts Festival.

After Father’s Day brunch we headed to the lakefront to pour beer for EMBC at the Columbia Arts Festival.

Now that is some beerporn!!!

Now that is some beerporn!!!

You can't pour without taking a sample for yourself.

You can’t pour without taking a sample for yourself.

There was entertainment of all types on hand.

There was entertainment of all types on hand.

Kelli puts some lipstick on Timmy's daughter, Kiza.

Kelli puts some lipstick on Timmy’s daughter, Kiza.

The brew crew for the day (at least while we were there).

The brew crew for the day (at least while we were there).

That night it was over to Peter's house for some more Father's Day fun.

That night it was over to Peter’s house for some more Father’s Day fun.

Playing some bocce ball and cornhole.

Playing some bocce ball and cornhole.

Aunt Kel, the master cornholer.

Aunt Kel, the master cornholer.

Well, that's it for summer. After all the excitement, Riley needs a rest!!! (So do we).

Well, that’s it for summer. After all the excitement, Riley needs a rest!!! (So do we).

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