Fall 2012

Looks like Fall started with Kel out drinking at the Cheescake factory.

Looks like Fall started with Kel out drinking at the Cheescake factory.

Class of '90 in the house.

Class of ’90 in the house.

A tradition in Maryland. I love steamed crabs!!

A tradition in Maryland. I love steamed crabs!!

A beer my parents bought for me. It was really good if you like hoppy beers.

A beer my parents bought for me. It was really good if you like hoppy beers.

This is actually all the beers they brought back for me when they went on vacation to New England.

This is actually all the beers they brought back for me when they went on vacation to New England.

Heading in to Baltimore for the night started with a stop at The Cat's Eye Pub for a drink.

Heading in to Baltimore for the night started with a stop at The Cat’s Eye Pub for a drink.

We met up with some Ravens Roost friends.

We met up with some Ravens Roost friends.

Cindi never stays still long enough for a picture.

Cindi never stays still long enough for a picture.

Leaving there we headed back to...

Leaving there we headed back to…

Mitch's boat.

Mitch’s boat.

Mitch let Kel drive us to Pier 6 where we were headed for a concert.

Mitch let Kel drive us to Pier 6 where we were headed for a concert.

It was a very fun way to get there.

It was a very fun way to get there.

We ended up watching the first band from the boat.

When Seether came on, we went to our 3rd row seats.

When Seether came on, we went to our 3rd row seats.

Looks like someone is getting a kegerator.

Looks like someone is getting a kegerator.

Filling a beer from the bottom of the cup in seconds at Verizon Center in DC.

We were there to see the Madonna show.

We were there to see the Madonna show.

Flowers for Kel's birthday (not from me).

Flowers for Kel’s birthday (not from me).

When Pumpkin beers come in season, I love to drink them.

When Pumpkin beers come in season, I love to drink them.

For Kel's birthday we went to The Black Olive in Baltimore.

For Kel’s birthday we went to The Black Olive in Baltimore.

It was a great restaurant with really fresh fish.

It was a great restaurant with really fresh fish.

The cake from her family.

The cake from her family.

We stopped by on the way home so they could wish her happy birthday.

We stopped by on the way home so they could wish her happy birthday.

Kristi made me a Ravens themed afghan for the basement (it gets cold down there sometimes).

Kristi made me a Ravens themed afghan for the basement (it gets cold down there sometimes).

Teaching Sophia how to ride a bike.

She finally got over the fear and was doing very well.

Of course, she had great teachers.

Of course, she had great teachers.



Out drinking and we ran into some Roost members.

Out drinking and we ran into some Roost members.

This was taken about 45 minutes before she threw up on the bar.

This was taken about 45 minutes before she threw up on the bar.

Honestly, I have never seen that happen before.

Honestly, I have never seen that happen before.

While in Ocean City, filming for the movie Ping Pong Summer was taking place at the place next to ours.

While in Ocean City, filming for the movie Ping Pong Summer was taking place at the place next to ours.

Lea Thompson is in the movie.

Lea Thompson is in the movie.

We were in town for the Dogfish Dash and headed to Rehoboth Beach to pick up our running bibs.

We were in town for the Dogfish Dash and headed to Rehoboth Beach to pick up our running bibs.

I love their beers!!

I love their beers!!

And as I previously stated, it's pumpkin season.

And as I previously stated, it’s pumpkin season.

Not my photo, but a good one of Kel.

Not my photo, but a good one of Kel.

Ridiculously photogenic guy.

Ridiculously photogenic guy.

After the run, it was time for some beer.

After the run, it was time for some beer.

How to kill a hard drive.

Uncle Scott was in town, so Kel and I stopped by to say hello.

Uncle Scott was in town, so Kel and I stopped by to say hello.

Kel gets a lot of birthday cards.

Kel gets a lot of birthday cards.

How I let Kelli know I'm picking up the good coffee and that The Green is going to be at the 8x10.

How I let Kelli know I’m picking up the good coffee and that The Green is going to be at the 8×10.

Riley will go anywhere in that bag.

Riley will go anywhere in that bag.

This day I was at my brother's house.

This day I was at my brother’s house.

Mathew and Matt were building a metal top for Matt's truck.

Mathew and Matt were building a metal top for Matt’s truck.

Erin and Amber enjoyed a little picnic.

Erin and Amber enjoyed a little picnic.

It's crab soup contest time.

It’s crab soup contest time.

Kristi came over to help make it (and to do Kel's hair).

Kristi came over to help make it (and to do Kel’s hair).

The soup is almost ready.

The soup is almost ready.

I just relaxed with a beer while they made the soup.

I just relaxed with a beer while they made the soup.

Later that night we went to Baltimore to see The Green, and there was an oyster fest going on next door at Ryleigh's.

Later that night we went to Baltimore to see The Green, and there was an oyster fest going on next door at Ryleigh’s.

Kel loves oysters!!!

Kel loves oysters!!!

Bathroom doors in a Baltimore bar.

Bathroom doors in a Baltimore bar.

DON'T eat the females. Honestly, it makes me sick to think people eat them.

DON’T eat the females. Honestly, it makes me sick to think people eat them.

I was actually called in by the publicist of The Green to shoot the show, and it was a great time.

I was actually called in by the publicist of The Green to shoot the show, and it was a great time.

Kel always loves to meet bands.

Kel always loves to meet bands.

The crab soup contest is underway, and Timmy is serving up the first soup.

The crab soup contest is underway, and Timmy is serving up the first soup.

The judges score their results of the various soups.

The judges score their results of the various soups.

This soup left in whole crab claws!!!!

This soup left in whole crab claws!!!!

All contestants received a shirt from a locally made vodka.

All contestants received a shirt from a locally made vodka.

Which they were happy to model.

Which they were happy to model.

The winners and judges pose for a picture.

The winners and judges pose for a picture.

Heading to Camden Yards to see the Orioles in a playoff game.

Heading to Camden Yards to see the Orioles in a playoff game.

They were playing the Yankees.

They were playing the Yankees.

John had extra tickets and took us to the game.

John had extra tickets and took us to the game.

With more practice Sophia was doing really well, until Ashley cut her off.

Hanging out at T-Bonz for some drinks one night.

Hanging out at T-Bonz for some drinks one night.

Kel and I met Amber and Erin at the mall for lunch one afternoon.

Kel and I met Amber and Erin at the mall for lunch one afternoon.

Drinking at the brew pub...

Drinking at the brew pub…

And reviewing the beers on tap.

And reviewing the beers on tap.

The last step before drinking your own beer.

The last step before drinking your own beer.

I wanted to play a Seether song with the band, and this is the video I sent to Brian to let him know.

Watching Sunday night football with the TV and the laptop. You can choose the camera you want to see on the latpop so I leave it on the cable cam.

Watching Sunday night football with the TV and the laptop. You can choose the camera you want to see on the latpop so I leave it on the cable cam.

Another song (Radiohead – High And Dry) I sent to Brian that I wanted to play as a band.

Beer, my glourious beer, on tap, in my house.

Beer, my glourious beer, on tap, in my house.

Here is the end result of the Seether song that we sent to Scott Gray.

Here is the end result of the Radiohead song that we sent to Scott Gray. (BTW, I hate the faces I make when playing guitar)

Brewing beer with family.

Brewing beer with family.

Looks like the slugs like my grain bag from brewing.

Looks like the slugs like my grain bag from brewing.

Every year the trees in the neighborhood next to me turn bright red and I look forward to getting a picture of them.

Every year the trees in the neighborhood next to me turn bright red and I look forward to getting a picture of them.

Kicking it in the hot tub alone one evening.

Kicking it in the hot tub alone one evening.

Amber and Kel review the American Doll catalog.

Amber and Kel review the American Doll catalog.

Company dinner with customers in which Chris and I produced a series of interviews. Check http://powermta.port25.com/interviews/ for the final video.

Company dinner with customers in which Chris and I produced a series of interviews. Check http://powermta.port25.com/interviews/ for the final video.

Jillian took a shot at playing soccer this Fall.

Jillian took a shot at playing soccer this Fall.

Peter was the coach...

Peter was the coach…

But Jillian wasn't really into playing.

But Jillian wasn’t really into playing.

But as long as she is having fun, that is all that matters.

But as long as she is having fun, that is all that matters.

I love hangin' out with my Roost friends!!

I love hangin’ out with my Roost friends!!

For the Halloween pictures, see the album "Halloween 2012".

For the Halloween pictures, see the album “Halloween 2012”.

Watching some football at Dave and Courtney's house.

Watching some football at Dave and Courtney’s house.

It seems we spent a good bit of time at their house this past fall.

It seems we spent a good bit of time at their house this past fall.

Kelli having fun with the kids.

Kelli having fun with the kids.

Group shot time.

Group shot time.

While we were spared from Hurricane Sandy's path, many were not.

While we were spared from Hurricane Sandy’s path, many were not.

Another day of brewing beer.

Another day of brewing beer.

I didn't choose the thug life, it chose me.

I didn’t choose the thug life, it chose me.

Ravens away games are watched at our Roost's HQ, Jilly's Bar and Grill in Ellicott City, MD.

Ravens away games are watched at our Roost’s HQ, Jilly’s Bar and Grill in Ellicott City, MD.

There is always a 50/50 raffle...

There is always a 50/50 raffle…

And lots of friends to watch the game with.

And lots of friends to watch the game with.

Not a high five, but a high boob.

Not a high five, but a high boob.

Cousin Robert sent us a picture of him drinking at Burley Oak brewery, this was our response.

Cousin Robert sent us a picture of him drinking at Burley Oak brewery, this was our response.

Kel and I do actually play pool sometimes, usually before we go out for the night.

Kel and I do actually play pool sometimes, usually before we go out for the night.

I got the belt buckle for free for drinking 4-5 Fosters beers.

I got the belt buckle for free for drinking 4-5 Fosters beers.

Hanging with the Ravens Roost for a tailgate party.

Hanging with the Ravens Roost for a tailgate party.

Like a real football player.

Like a real football player.

Not for me, but everyone else seemed to love the food.

Not for me, but everyone else seemed to love the food.

We love the Ravens!!!

We love the Ravens!!!

Some #beerporn.

Some #beerporn.

I had to go to North Carolina for work and this was the hotel in which I stayed.

There was a free beer happy hour in the hotel. Awesome.

There was a free beer happy hour in the hotel. Awesome.

I had a ton of old video game systems that I donated to a childrens hospital.

I had a ton of old video game systems that I donated to a childrens hospital.

Double dating at Roys and Megan and Kel enjoy a cocktail at the bar.

Double dating at Roys and Megan and Kel enjoy a cocktail at the bar.

Later that night I catalogued the games and separated them by system.

Later that night I catalogued the games and separated them by system.

A chair we may purchase later this year.

A chair we may purchase later this year.

I packaged the games up and took them down to Johns Hopkins Children's Center.

I packaged the games up and took them down to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.

I was sad to see them go, but I knew they would be well received.

I was sad to see them go, but I knew they would be well received.

I went home and had a celebration beer after making the donation.

I went home and had a celebration beer after making the donation.

Kelli and I running the Metric Marathon in Columbia, MD.

Kelli and I running the Metric Marathon in Columbia, MD.

Running together is a love hate relationship...

Running together is a love hate relationship…

But we had fun crossing the finish line together.

But we had fun crossing the finish line together.

For Thanksgiving Kelli and I went to Ocean City. See the album "Thanksgiving 2012" for those pictures.

For Thanksgiving Kelli and I went to Ocean City. See the album “Thanksgiving 2012” for those pictures.

Making onion soup and this is how I keep my eyes from watering.

Making onion soup and this is how I keep my eyes from watering.

If you haven't had my soup, you really are missing out.

If you haven’t had my soup, you really are missing out.

Another beer from my father that my brother and I shared.

Another beer from my father that my brother and I shared.

Riley and Angel together, this almost never happens (they usually are barking and hissing at each other).

Riley and Angel together, this almost never happens (they usually are barking and hissing at each other).

A tradition of decorating the tree at my parents house.

A tradition of decorating the tree at my parents house.

It must be getting close to that time of the year where you spend a lot of time with family.

It must be getting close to that time of the year where you spend a lot of time with family.

Turkish wine at a Turkish restaurant.

Turkish wine at a Turkish restaurant.

Kelli and I participated in an adopt-a-family program through the Roost. I hope the kids from our family had a great Christmas morning.

Kelli and I participated in an adopt-a-family program through the Roost. I hope the kids from our family had a great Christmas morning.

As I have for the past few years, I took the photo for Kristi's Christmas card. This was the photo from this year.

As I have for the past few years, I took the photo for Kristi’s Christmas card. This was the photo from this year.

Another night with the Roost, this time for the holiday party.

Another night with the Roost, this time for the holiday party.

There was a big turnout. Find Kelli.

There was a big turnout. Find Kelli.

The white elephant was a lot of fun.

The white elephant was a lot of fun.

The fireside chat girls danced. And we all drank...

The fireside chat girls danced. And we all drank…

Drank a lot, that is!!!

Drank a lot, that is!!!

The next night we did another tradition, dinner at Tio Pepe's in Baltimore. Peter isn't really that fat, the wide angle lens does that in the corner of photos.

The next night we did another tradition, dinner at Tio Pepe’s in Baltimore. Peter isn’t really that fat, the wide angle lens does that in the corner of photos.

Another Roost event, this one was bowling to raise money for Special Olympics.

Another Roost event, this one was bowling to raise money for Special Olympics.

We were bowling...

We were bowling…

And drinking at 8:45 in the morning.

And drinking at 8:45 in the morning.

The Roost took over the bowling alley.

The Roost took over the bowling alley.

Then it was off to Jilly's for another Ravens game.

Then it was off to Jilly’s for another Ravens game.

Yet another tradition, dinner at Cafe Hon.

Yet another tradition, dinner at Cafe Hon.

We have a few drinks and dinner...

We have a few drinks and dinner…

Then we leave the restaurant...

Then we leave the restaurant…

And head to 34th street in Baltimore.

And head to 34th street in Baltimore.

We love to walk down the street and see the lights.

We love to walk down the street and see the lights.

Picture taken on the day they opened. First!!!

Picture taken on the day they opened. First!!!

I ended up getting up to 102.1°F

I ended up getting up to 102.1°F

We headed into Baltimore one night for good times with our Roost friends at Phillips, and...

We headed into Baltimore one night for good times with our Roost friends at Phillips, and…

A light show on the front of the Power Plant.

A light show on the front of the Power Plant.

The girls having fun while we waited for the show to start.

The girls having fun while we waited for the show to start.

The show was really cool, and you should check it out next year.

The show was really cool, and you should check it out next year.

Afterwards it was over to Dick's Last Resort for some drinks.

Afterwards it was over to Dick’s Last Resort for some drinks.

The drink that eats like a meal while at Miss Shirleys (brunch, another Christmas tradition) with my parents.

The drink that eats like a meal while at Miss Shirleys (brunch, another Christmas tradition) with my parents.

We're all happy after a Ravens win!!!

We’re all happy after a Ravens win!!!

Hangin' at the Ritz before my company's holiday dinner (another tradition).

Hangin’ at the Ritz before my company’s holiday dinner (another tradition).

Ha ha.

Ha ha.

Well, that's all for Fall 2012. Time to enjoy this beer and get on with 2013.

Well, that’s all for Fall 2012. Time to enjoy this beer and get on with 2013.

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