Jeff and Jamie’s Wedding

My trip to the wedding started with a trip to the airport bar.

My trip to the wedding started with a trip to the airport bar.

Better than airplane food.

Better than airplane food.

Then it was time to wait to board the plane.

Then it was time to wait to board the plane.

My next stop was Minneapolis.

My next stop was Minneapolis.

The sun was setting...

The sun was setting…

But I found my own sunshine in Minneapolis.

But I found my own sunshine in Minneapolis.

Kelli was coming in from her trip with my parents and we met in Minneapolis before heading to our final destination.

Kelli was coming in from her trip with my parents and we met in Minneapolis before heading to our final destination.

Arriving in the hotel...

Arriving in the hotel…

And the room wasn't too bad.

And the room wasn’t too bad.

Jeff was around, so we jumped in a taxi with him and headed to...

Jeff was around, so we jumped in a taxi with him and headed to…

Monks, a local beer joint.

Monks, a local beer joint.

Kelli was havin fun with the bartender...

Kelli was havin fun with the bartender…

And Jeff was having fun with his buddy, Rich.

And Jeff was having fun with his buddy, Rich.

Must be the beer and airplane travel, but we all got a little goofy.

Must be the beer and airplane travel, but we all got a little goofy.

We headed back to the hotel and said goodnight to Jeff.

We headed back to the hotel and said goodnight to Jeff.

The next morning, and this was the view from our room.

The next morning, and this was the view from our room.

I had to work while we were there, but for lunch we walked around town.

I had to work while we were there, but for lunch we walked around town.

For lunch we had the best enchiladas EVER!!!!!

For lunch we had the best enchiladas EVER!!!!!

Mama's Ladas (enchiladas)!!!!!

Mama’s Ladas (enchiladas)!!!!!

Oh man, if you ever go to Sioux Falls, SD you must try these.

Oh man, if you ever go to Sioux Falls, SD you must try these.

We took the free trolley...

We took the free trolley…

Down to the shopping area.

Down to the shopping area.

Thanks to these banners, we found something to do while in town.

Thanks to these banners, we found something to do while in town.

Not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at, but whatever.

Not sure what I’m supposed to be looking at, but whatever.

There was an art sculpture contest going on, and I liked this one.

There was an art sculpture contest going on, and I liked this one.

Falls Park, of Sioux Falls, SD.

Falls Park, of Sioux Falls, SD.

Kelli wanted to get her nails done...

Kelli wanted to get her nails done…

So I waited.

So I waited.

Dinner that night was at Spezia.

Dinner that night was at Spezia.

We were there for the rehearsal dinner...

We were there for the rehearsal dinner…

And the food was really good.

And the food was really good.

Jeff made a small speech...

Jeff made a small speech…

And then we all danced.

And then we all danced.

Last night as a non-married couple.

Last night as a non-married couple.

I tried to make a heart with the chocolate for Kelli.

I tried to make a heart with the chocolate for Kelli.

We met plenty of new friends from Jamie's side of the family!!!

We met plenty of new friends from Jamie’s side of the family!!!

The next day Kelli and I went for a run at Falls Park...

The next day Kelli and I went for a run at Falls Park…

And ran by the falls of Souix Falls, SD.

And ran by the falls of Souix Falls, SD.

They were nice to look at...

They were nice to look at…

But it was hard to take the pictures while running.

But it was hard to take the pictures while running.

We ran up the hill to the airport...

We ran up the hill to the airport…

Which included passing this spillway...

Which included passing this spillway…

For another local river.

For another local river.

For lunch we had some quick eats at....

For lunch we had some quick eats at….



Then it was on for me to get a pedicure (my first ever).

Then it was on for me to get a pedicure (my first ever).

The setup shot for...

The setup shot for…

Kelli and I before heading to the wedding.

Kelli and I before heading to the wedding.

We arrived at the church...

We arrived at the church…

And were quickly seated.

And were quickly seated.

The church was very well appointed inside.

The church was very well appointed inside.

Brian Deitrick couldn't make the trip, but we were thinking of him.

Brian Deitrick couldn’t make the trip, but we were thinking of him.

The music played....

The music played….

And before long things were getting started.

And before long things were getting started.

With the candles lit...

With the candles lit…

It was time to bring in the bride.

It was time to bring in the bride.

Jeff led her to the altar...

Jeff led her to the altar…

And the ceremony began.

And the ceremony began.

Jeff's sister said some words...

Jeff’s sister said some words…

As did the pastor...

As did the pastor…

And then the rings...

And then the rings…

were exchanged.

were exchanged.

You may kiss the bride.

You may kiss the bride.

Metaphorical union time....

Metaphorical union time….

Followed by more music....

Followed by more music….

Followed by the announcement of the couple!!!!

Followed by the announcement of the couple!!!!



Outside the cars waited to take them to the reception...

Outside the cars waited to take them to the reception…

And after some photos inside...

And after some photos inside…

They were on their way.

They were on their way.

So we said goodbye and then went to the reception, too.

So we said goodbye and then went to the reception, too.

Fun use of a fulcrum.

Fun use of a fulcrum.

They waited outside...

They waited outside…

While the rest of us headed to the reception, which was held at the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science.

While the rest of us headed to the reception, which was held at the Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science.

There was an outdoor reception area...

There was an outdoor reception area…

With hors d'oeuvres and drinks.

With hors d’oeuvres and drinks.

We had fun talking with old friends...

We had fun talking with old friends…

While enjoying the food.

While enjoying the food.

The Nauman clan.

The Nauman clan.

Kelli and Rich were goofing around...

Kelli and Rich were goofing around…

But posed for a serious shot....

But posed for a serious shot….

Before going back to goofing around.

Before going back to goofing around.

It was time to head inside for the dinner.

It was time to head inside for the dinner.

Kelli shows our theater ticket...

Kelli shows our theater ticket…

Allowing us into the theater.

Allowing us into the theater.

The tables were on the stage...

The tables were on the stage…

And the place was set for a night of fun!!!!

And the place was set for a night of fun!!!!

The wedding party was beginning to arrive...

The wedding party was beginning to arrive…

And it wasn't long before Jamie and Jeff made their entrance.

And it wasn’t long before Jamie and Jeff made their entrance.

They headed straight to the dance floor...

They headed straight to the dance floor…

For their first dance.

For their first dance.

The first course.

The first course.

Father daughter dance.

Father daughter dance.

Ah, the lovely couple.

Ah, the lovely couple.

We were one of the first tables to get the meet and greet.

We were one of the first tables to get the meet and greet.

Funny to think I have known Jeff since I was about 14 years old.

Funny to think I have known Jeff since I was about 14 years old.

It's good to have long time friends!!!!

It’s good to have long time friends!!!!

Of course, Kelli was having fun with all her new friends, too.

Of course, Kelli was having fun with all her new friends, too.

I don't do the meat...

I don’t do the meat…

So this was my dinner, stuffed mushroom.

So this was my dinner, stuffed mushroom.

Time to cut the cake...

Time to cut the cake…

Which Jamie managed without issue.

Which Jamie managed without issue.

No stuffing in each others faces here.

No stuffing in each others faces here.

Speech time...

Speech time…

Followed promptly by dancing.

Followed promptly by dancing.

Woo Hoo!!!!!

Woo Hoo!!!!!

Kelli was quite fond of him.

Kelli was quite fond of him.

Jeff's parents enjoy a dance.

Jeff’s parents enjoy a dance.

Our best new friends in Sioux Falls!!!!

Our best new friends in Sioux Falls!!!!

Why? No, "Y", as in YMCA.

Why? No, “Y”, as in YMCA.

Drinks were flowing...

Drinks were flowing…

And so was the dancing.

And so was the dancing.

Jamie and Jeff had several well practiced dances for everyone.

Jamie and Jeff had several well practiced dances for everyone.

Not often you get pink cake at a wedding.

Not often you get pink cake at a wedding.

Lots of family were on hand.

Lots of family were on hand.

After a little more dancing...

After a little more dancing…

It was time to throw the bouquet.

It was time to throw the bouquet.

She threw it really high...

She threw it really high…

But it was caught!!!

But it was caught!!!

So this is Jeff with his buddy Scott.

So this is Jeff with his buddy Scott.

Turns out, Scott and I have the same initials.

Turns out, Scott and I have the same initials.

Rich cut a rug with Kelli...

Rich cut a rug with Kelli…

And generally had a great time.

And generally had a great time.

Yes, Kelli and I danced, too.

Yes, Kelli and I danced, too.

Ah, the love of 10 years of marriage.

Ah, the love of 10 years of marriage.

The theater was quite an interesting place for a wedding.

The theater was quite an interesting place for a wedding.

We sent a video to Brian D.

The night was winding down...

The night was winding down…

So we said our goodbyes...

So we said our goodbyes…

And Scott and I exchanged our 8th grade art initials project. (mine is on the left)...

And Scott and I exchanged our 8th grade art initials project. (mine is on the left)…

Before heading out for the night.

Before heading out for the night.

It was a short walk back to the hotel.

It was a short walk back to the hotel.

The next day we hit the art festival...

The next day we hit the art festival…

And waited in line for some more food.

And waited in line for some more food.

Worth a trip just to eat these.

Worth a trip just to eat these.

From there we went to the Andy Warhol exhibit...

From there we went to the Andy Warhol exhibit…

And then to the Germanfest.

And then to the Germanfest.

We really were lucky with a good weekend to visit the city.

We really were lucky with a good weekend to visit the city.

Check out our new German hats.

Check out our new German hats.

We finished the night, and the trip, drinking with our new friends!!!!!!

We finished the night, and the trip, drinking with our new friends!!!!!!

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