Summer 2010 Part 2

Ashley spent the night the week before, so this week it was Sophia's turn.

Ashley spent the night the week before, so this week it was Sophia’s turn.

Kelli was having fun pretending everything she did was bad.

Kelli was having fun pretending everything she did was bad.

Like going through all of Kelli's nail polish.

Like going through all of Kelli’s nail polish.

"Mermaid to Order" was the color she chose.

“Mermaid to Order” was the color she chose.

The next day we hit Dunkin Donuts....

The next day we hit Dunkin Donuts….

Ans then took breakfast to Kelli at work.

Ans then took breakfast to Kelli at work.

This is seriously how they spend all their time together.

This is seriously how they spend all their time together.

Nap time at Kelli's work.

Nap time at Kelli’s work.

Hanging out with Megan and Peter, and Kristi stopped by.

Hanging out with Megan and Peter, and Kristi stopped by.

Hello everyone!!!

Hello everyone!!!

For Amber's birthday party Erin threw a tea party.

For Amber’s birthday party Erin threw a tea party.

The kids had a great time.

The kids had a great time.

It was funny how quiet the girls were about opening the gifts.

It was funny how quiet the girls were about opening the gifts.

My parents were there, as well.

My parents were there, as well.

The makeup came with the twinkle toe shoes Kelli and I bought her.

The makeup came with the twinkle toe shoes Kelli and I bought her.

Happy fourth birthday!!!

Happy fourth birthday!!!

Meanwhile, at Kelli's mother's house.....

Meanwhile, at Kelli’s mother’s house…..

It was time for the making of the tomato sauce.

It was time for the making of the tomato sauce.

This is a family tradition....

This is a family tradition….

That I'm happy to let them do without me.

That I’m happy to let them do without me.

Good times, good family.

Good times, good family.

Taylor was showing Amber how to play the Xbox 360.

Taylor was showing Amber how to play the Xbox 360.

Those are the twinkle toe shoes we bought her.

Those are the twinkle toe shoes we bought her.

Someone else bought this cool gift.

Someone else bought this cool gift.

Later, Amber and I relaxed on the trampoline...

Later, Amber and I relaxed on the trampoline…

Of course,we also played on the trampoline, too.

Of course,we also played on the trampoline, too.

Riley loves car rides.

Riley loves car rides.

A fox was in our backyard one morning.....

A fox was in our backyard one morning…..

And I snuck around the side of the house to get a better picture.

And I snuck around the side of the house to get a better picture.

No high fructose corn syrup here.

No high fructose corn syrup here.

Then where would one dispose of the butts?

Then where would one dispose of the butts?

Rodrigo y Gabriela at Wolf Trap.

Rodrigo y Gabriela at Wolf Trap.

Taylor stayed over one night….

And we rode our bikes to the park.

And we rode our bikes to the park.

Afterwards, we hung out in the basement and played video games.

Afterwards, we hung out in the basement and played video games.

Kelli went to visit her grandmother....again.

Kelli went to visit her grandmother….again.

They enjoyed a nice meal at Flemings....

They enjoyed a nice meal at Flemings….

With plenty of great food....

With plenty of great food….

And then headed to the Shriner's temple for a few drinks.

And then headed to the Shriner’s temple for a few drinks.

The men sure do love her there!!!!

The men sure do love her there!!!!

If Kelli is in Florida, you know she is hitting the beach, this time with Michelle.

If Kelli is in Florida, you know she is hitting the beach, this time with Michelle.

I didn't know the "@" symbol was available for license plates.

I didn’t know the “@” symbol was available for license plates.

While she was in Florida, I was doing my own thing....

While she was in Florida, I was doing my own thing….

Which, if you know me, involves family and my camera.

Which, if you know me, involves family and my camera.

Bea and I were playing with reflections.

Bea and I were playing with reflections.

Bridget, however, was uninterested this time.

Bridget, however, was uninterested this time.

It was time for for me to be the subject....

It was time for for me to be the subject….

Which I'm happy to do.

Which I’m happy to do.

The Porter family's new dog, Zoey.

The Porter family’s new dog, Zoey.

Teenagers, always so happy.

Teenagers, always so happy.

It was tomato sauce day on the Stewart side....

It was tomato sauce day on the Stewart side….

And the men were forced into slave labor.

And the men were forced into slave labor.

Of course, there was plenty of time for goofing off.

Of course, there was plenty of time for goofing off.

Back in Florida, and Kelli found a friend....

Back in Florida, and Kelli found a friend….

Gram's new house pet, Fred.

Gram’s new house pet, Fred.

Hurricane Earl came during Labor day weekend. Check out the album "Hurricane Earl - Labor Day Weekend" for those pictures.

Hurricane Earl came during Labor day weekend. Check out the album “Hurricane Earl – Labor Day Weekend” for those pictures.

Peter, Kelli, and I went to see Lady Gaga at Verizon Center in DC.

Peter, Kelli, and I went to see Lady Gaga at Verizon Center in DC.

The show was OK, but she needs to keep the political talk to a minimum.

The show was OK, but she needs to keep the political talk to a minimum.

The refrigerator door at work opened the wrong way....

The refrigerator door at work opened the wrong way….

So we fixed it.

So we fixed it.

One of my favorite local dishes for lunch, pasta pie.

One of my favorite local dishes for lunch, pasta pie.

For easy leaf cleanup out of my stairwell.

For easy leaf cleanup out of my stairwell.

Iron Bridge for a 10am wine tasting.

Iron Bridge for a 10am wine tasting.

We started out by ourselves...

We started out by ourselves…

And enjoyed the wines.

And enjoyed the wines.

The savings on wine during the event.

The savings on wine during the event.

The word of free wine got out quickly.

The word of free wine got out quickly.

It was likes sharks circling with the people pouring in.

It was likes sharks circling with the people pouring in.

It was Sept. 11th.

It was Sept. 11th.

Filled with free wine, we headed to a beer event.

Filled with free wine, we headed to a beer event.

There were lots of different beers for sampling...

There were lots of different beers for sampling…

And plenty of food as well.

And plenty of food as well.

The pulled pork was.....

The pulled pork was…..

Very fresh.

Very fresh.

The Real Ale Fest was lots of fun with live music.....

The Real Ale Fest was lots of fun with live music…..

Good company...

Good company…

And free rub on tattoos.

And free rub on tattoos.

From there it was back to the in-laws to do the prep work for the next day's crab soup contest.

From there it was back to the in-laws to do the prep work for the next day’s crab soup contest.

Kelli made sure to hide the secret ingredients.

Kelli made sure to hide the secret ingredients.

To round out the day, we headed up to White Marsh for some more drinking.

To round out the day, we headed up to White Marsh for some more drinking.

Not knowing how to read.....

Not knowing how to read…..

Peter took his cigarette inside with him.

Peter took his cigarette inside with him.

What a rebel.

What a rebel.

The Police Pace 5k on a rainy day. Check out that beard!!

The Police Pace 5k on a rainy day. Check out that beard!!

The next day, it was down to the brew pub for the crab soup cook off.

The next day, it was down to the brew pub for the crab soup cook off.

Kelli had spent a good deal of effort on her entry.

Kelli had spent a good deal of effort on her entry.

Do you see the resemblance?

Do you see the resemblance?

Details of the competition.

Details of the competition.

Timmy gives the rules to the offical judges...

Timmy gives the rules to the offical judges…

And began the serving to the judges…..

And we all got the leftovers.

And we all got the leftovers.

A 3 minute video of the results, if you are interested.

Kelli got "honorable mention".

Kelli got “honorable mention”.

The contestants.

The contestants.

Kelli's prize.

Kelli’s prize.

I took the leftovers to my brother's house.

I took the leftovers to my brother’s house.

And then we all went out back and played.

And then we all went out back and played.

Boobies anyone?

Boobies anyone?

Taylor was showing off how to make skid marks with his bike….

And Ashley had to try, as well.

He then had to one-up her and show her how to ride down a dirt hill.

He then had to one-up her and show her how to ride down a dirt hill.

Afterwards it was pizza time....

Afterwards it was pizza time….

With makeshift tables being the fun thing to do.

With makeshift tables being the fun thing to do.

Fun times for everyone!!!!

Fun times for everyone!!!!

The next day, it was down to DC for Kelli and I to see The Birthday Massacre.

The next day, it was down to DC for Kelli and I to see The Birthday Massacre.

Be sure to check out the album "The Birthday Massacre @ The Rock N Roll Hotel - Washington, DC" for those pictures.

Be sure to check out the album “The Birthday Massacre @ The Rock N Roll Hotel – Washington, DC” for those pictures.

Looks like Kelli had a good time at the show!!!

Looks like Kelli had a good time at the show!!!

Out celebrating the closing of a chapter in Kristi's life.

Out celebrating the closing of a chapter in Kristi’s life.

Ah yes, soooo happy now.

Ah yes, soooo happy now.

Cousin Barb's husband Marc died of a heart attack at age 47.

Cousin Barb’s husband Marc died of a heart attack at age 47.

Kelli and I went up to PA for the service.

Kelli and I went up to PA for the service.

And even under the circumstances, it is still good to see family!!

And even under the circumstances, it is still good to see family!!

Good lord Chris is getting tall.

Good lord Chris is getting tall.

We went from the funeral to the Maryland Wine Festival.

We went from the funeral to the Maryland Wine Festival.

We ran into some friends....

We ran into some friends….

And generally had a good time pouring wine that day.

And generally had a good time pouring wine that day.

That night it was down to DC to see the Pink Floyd cover band, Several Species.

That night it was down to DC to see the Pink Floyd cover band, Several Species.

The show was really good....

The show was really good….

And we enjoyed the show with "Tram" Habicht!!!

And we enjoyed the show with “Tram” Habicht!!!

If you are a Pink Floyd fan, I would really recommend checking them out if you have the chance.

If you are a Pink Floyd fan, I would really recommend checking them out if you have the chance.

Yet another 5k, this one the Fort McHenry Tunnel Run.

Yet another 5k, this one the Fort McHenry Tunnel Run.

Find our results.

Find our results.

Football at the Dinkle's.

Football at the Dinkle’s.

Kelli and I met up with my brother's family in Baltimore for a day of fun music.

Kelli and I met up with my brother’s family in Baltimore for a day of fun music.

32oz beers for only 4 dollars!!!!

32oz beers for only 4 dollars!!!!

It was the kids first show.....

It was the kids first show…..

And they had a blast!!

And they had a blast!!

Can't Hang was the band playing. Be sure to check out the album "Can't Hang @ Federal Hill 2010 Street Beat Festival - Baltimore, MD " for those pictures.

Can’t Hang was the band playing. Be sure to check out the album “Can’t Hang @ Federal Hill 2010 Street Beat Festival – Baltimore, MD ” for those pictures.

Coming to the streets of Baltimore in 2011. Baltimore Grand Prix

Coming to the streets of Baltimore in 2011. Baltimore Grand Prix

I love this photo of us!!

I love this photo of us!!

We met up with John while we were there.

We met up with John while we were there.

John is the road manager for the KISS cover band, Rock Bottom.

John is the road manager for the KISS cover band, Rock Bottom.

He got us access to the secret room at Mother's.

He got us access to the secret room at Mother’s.

I love the bobble head.

I love the bobble head.

The view from the top of Mother's in Federal Hill.

The view from the top of Mother’s in Federal Hill.

Skip Dixon poses for a shot.

Skip Dixon poses for a shot.

Someone thought it would be a good idea for me to have my picture taken, but it didn't focus right in the hands of an amateur.

Someone thought it would be a good idea for me to have my picture taken, but it didn’t focus right in the hands of an amateur.

My parents went to Maine and brought us back lobster!!!!

My parents went to Maine and brought us back lobster!!!!

Heading to Baltimore one night....

Heading to Baltimore one night….

to enjoy a relaxing evening with my parents celebrating Kelli's birthday!!

to enjoy a relaxing evening with my parents celebrating Kelli’s birthday!!

Make your wishes for more good times!!!!

Make your wishes for more good times!!!!

Well that about does it for Summer....

Well that about does it for Summer….

Time to go for a ride in Brian’s new car!!!

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