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Wow I never get to do the photos. OK this is my sis and niece heading off to sunny Florida!
This would be Ashley’s first ever plane ride.
I really didn’t know how well this was going to go, but so far so good.
Hilda (nickname for sis) sends a pic to Uncle Scott.
There was a reason I wanted her near the window.
But as luck would have it, another little girl (Skylin, same age!) was sitting right in front of us.
Our first nite with Gram, and we went to one of my fav local place, Phillipi Creek.
I might also mention this was the only nite out of 4 that Ashley behaved at dinner.
For posterity. Kelli went with her sister and Ashley to see her grandmother. Click Here for those pictures.
Yum, ice cream (she never let me have the couch to myself).