Caribbean Cruise 2006

Mike was kind enough to give us a ride to the cruise ship terminal....

Mike was kind enough to give us a ride to the cruise ship terminal….

Where we had to spend an hour going through the line with the rest of the riff-raff.

Where we had to spend an hour going through the line with the rest of the riff-raff.

We arrived in our room to find that we had been upgraded to a room with a window!!!!

We arrived in our room to find that we had been upgraded to a room with a window!!!!

The room was a good size, and....

The room was a good size, and….

We were very happy with the accomodations.

We were very happy with the accomodations.

After getting settled in, we went for a walk around the ship.

After getting settled in, we went for a walk around the ship.

Outside it was rainy and cold....

Outside it was rainy and cold….

But inside everything was just fine!!

But inside everything was just fine!!

We bought a few bottles of this stuff, it's really good.

We bought a few bottles of this stuff, it’s really good.

Waiting to take fools money.....

Waiting to take fools money…..

Is the temptation of the on-ship casino.

Is the temptation of the on-ship casino.

When we got back to our room, our bags had arrived, but....

When we got back to our room, our bags had arrived, but….

It was muster time....

It was muster time….

So we put on our life jackets.....

So we put on our life jackets…..

And pretended to abandon ship.

And pretended to abandon ship.

Drunken mustering, the only way to muster.

Drunken mustering, the only way to muster.

The Key bridge in Baltimore was rapidly approaching....

The Key bridge in Baltimore was rapidly approaching….

And while these strangers braved the weather.....

And while these strangers braved the weather…..

I questioned if we were going to make it under the bridge.

I questioned if we were going to make it under the bridge.

Of course we did make it under, and it was on to the bay bridge.

Of course we did make it under, and it was on to the bay bridge.

While Kelli relaxed in the room....

While Kelli relaxed in the room….

Maintainance came by and fixed our bathroom mirror.

Maintainance came by and fixed our bathroom mirror.

After that, it was time to go to dinner.

After that, it was time to go to dinner.

The main area was quite large and grand, so we made our way through to....

The main area was quite large and grand, so we made our way through to….

The dining room.

The dining room.

OK, I took lots of pictures of food.....

OK, I took lots of pictures of food…..

This was my favorite of the trip, pesto encrusted rockfish on potato.

This was my favorite of the trip, pesto encrusted rockfish on potato.

Trust me you're going to see a lot of food!!!

Trust me you’re going to see a lot of food!!!

The next day, and Kelli is completely hooked on New Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo DS.

The next day, and Kelli is completely hooked on New Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo DS.

We had some time to kill, so we ordered.....

We had some time to kill, so we ordered…..

A bottle of the bubbly....

A bottle of the bubbly….

Then it was back to gaming.

Then it was back to gaming.

Lots of long hallways.

Lots of long hallways.

Our neighbors never left the room. Almost everytime we came back there were new dirty dishes outside the door.

Our neighbors never left the room. Almost everytime we came back there were new dirty dishes outside the door.

Of course Kelli and I went to the formal dinner every night.....

Of course Kelli and I went to the formal dinner every night…..

Mostly because the food was so good!!!!

Mostly because the food was so good!!!!

Honestly, everything we had was top notch.

Honestly, everything we had was top notch.

But we arrived back at the room to find our neighbors wanted room service again....

But we arrived back at the room to find our neighbors wanted room service again….

Looks like Kelli wants a little room service, too!!!!

Looks like Kelli wants a little room service, too!!!!

Key West, FL, and we were just in time for some rain.

Key West, FL, and we were just in time for some rain.

Our boat, The Grandeur of The Seas.

Our boat, The Grandeur of The Seas.

We made our way into town for some local beer....

We made our way into town for some local beer….

Kelli looked at a big cock.......

Kelli looked at a big cock…….

And the tour guide dorks rode the tram.

And the tour guide dorks rode the tram.

Looks like fun...not.

Looks like fun…not.

After the rain let up, we headed down Duval Street.

After the rain let up, we headed down Duval Street.

What visit to Key West wouldn't be complete without stopping by Sloppy Joe's.

What visit to Key West wouldn’t be complete without stopping by Sloppy Joe’s.

Aren't we just great?

Aren’t we just great?

Kelli was told that Mattheessen's not only had too many letters in the name, but also had the best key lime pie...

Kelli was told that Mattheessen’s not only had too many letters in the name, but also had the best key lime pie…

So she went in and ordered....

So she went in and ordered….

Then sampled the goods.....

Then sampled the goods…..

And quickly ran back to say how orgasmic it tasted!!!!

And quickly ran back to say how orgasmic it tasted!!!!

Looking for the southern most point.....

Looking for the southern most point…..

And Kelli is getting tired of walking.....

And Kelli is getting tired of walking…..

So I did my best....

So I did my best….

And found it for the tourist picture.

And found it for the tourist picture.

Some local architecture....

Some local architecture….

And a little more.

And a little more.

This whole "Original" Sloppy Joe's thing down there is out of hand....

This whole “Original” Sloppy Joe’s thing down there is out of hand….

But we did find this place to have a bit of character.

But we did find this place to have a bit of character.

The ceiling was lined with business cards and other junk.

The ceiling was lined with business cards and other junk.

There was also some live music.

There was also some live music.

It was getting close to the time to leave, so we made our way back to the boat.

It was getting close to the time to leave, so we made our way back to the boat.

I couldn't read the sign, so I took a picture for later reference.

I couldn’t read the sign, so I took a picture for later reference.

Back in the room, and we made like the slackers next door and ordered some room serivce.

Back in the room, and we made like the slackers next door and ordered some room serivce.

Not as good as the dinner, but still good.

Not as good as the dinner, but still good.

Room service came through every night and turned down the bed for us and always left some treats.

Room service came through every night and turned down the bed for us and always left some treats.

The next morning while Kelli did some scrapbooking....

The next morning while Kelli did some scrapbooking….

I found the pictures of us taken by the "official" cruise photographer....

I found the pictures of us taken by the “official” cruise photographer….

Too cheap to buy the photos.....

Too cheap to buy the photos…..

I just took pictures of them. (notice the finger)

I just took pictures of them. (notice the finger)

Last one.

Last one.

Back in the room, Kelli shows off her work.

Back in the room, Kelli shows off her work.

Pulling into Cozumel, Mexico for a day of scuba diving.

Pulling into Cozumel, Mexico for a day of scuba diving.

We made our way off the big boat and onto the little one.

We made our way off the big boat and onto the little one.

Lord of the seas.

Lord of the seas.

Ready for our first dive and wanting to get in the water.

Ready for our first dive and wanting to get in the water.

We didn't wait long before it was down into the depths.

We didn’t wait long before it was down into the depths.

Can you see the grouper?

Can you see the grouper?

The current was strong....

The current was strong….

And made picture taking tough....

And made picture taking tough….

But I did my best to capture the experience. (Kelli is on the far right)

But I did my best to capture the experience. (Kelli is on the far right)

I kept chasing this guy....

I kept chasing this guy….

But he did not want his picture taken.

But he did not want his picture taken.

Lobster anyone?

Lobster anyone?

They hid in between the rocks to avoid the strong current.

They hid in between the rocks to avoid the strong current.

A beautiful Rock Beauty.

A beautiful Rock Beauty.

A Stoplight Parrotfish.

A Stoplight Parrotfish.

There was a lot of cool life like this Giant Anemone.

A Midnight Parrotfish. He was about 4-5 feet long.

A Midnight Parrotfish. He was about 4-5 feet long.

Up on shore, we had a drink with a pseudo local.

Up on shore, we had a drink with a pseudo local.

At the end of the day we tendered back to the ship.

At the end of the day we tendered back to the ship.

Room service left us an elephant in our room.

Room service left us an elephant in our room.

We ordered some wine to drink, but didn't have a cork screw....

We ordered some wine to drink, but didn’t have a cork screw….

So I just pushed the cork in.

So I just pushed the cork in.

She bought it for her sister, but decided that it wasn't good enough for Kristi and kept it for herself.

She bought it for her sister, but decided that it wasn’t good enough for Kristi and kept it for herself.

Dinner again, and more great food!!!

Dinner again, and more great food!!!

I'm not kidding.....Everything we ate at dinner was great.

I’m not kidding…..Everything we ate at dinner was great.

We ordered a little of everything....

We ordered a little of everything….

And shared what we had.

And shared what we had.

Our fabulous waiters.

Our fabulous waiters.

For desert it was Jamaican blue mountain creme brulee.

For desert it was Jamaican blue mountain creme brulee.

The next day we were in Costa Maya, Mexico for some more diving.

The next day we were in Costa Maya, Mexico for some more diving.

A Coney.

A Coney.

The caverns in between the reefs were really cool.

The beautiful Kelli fish.

The beautiful Kelli fish.

A Trumpetfish. Click here for a quick movie of the textures.

A Trumpetfish. Click here for a quick movie of the textures.

For picture of our caribbean cruise, click here.A great picture of us!!!! Click here for another movie.

For picture of our caribbean cruise, click here.A great picture of us!!!! Click here for another movie.

Floating above Kelli and checking out her bubbles.

Floating above Kelli and checking out her bubbles.

Last picture before I got bored at the safety stop and played with the video.

With our diving done, it was time to drink!!!!

With our diving done, it was time to drink!!!!

Damn, she is hot!!!!!!

Damn, she is hot!!!!!!

Again.....Damn, she is hot!!!!!!

Again…..Damn, she is hot!!!!!!

My pose, the cruise line's photo. (that's our dive gear in the bags)

My pose, the cruise line’s photo. (that’s our dive gear in the bags)

Drinks before dinner and it looks like I missed a button on my shirt.

Drinks before dinner and it looks like I missed a button on my shirt.

We enjoyed the sounds of the guitarist in the main area....

We enjoyed the sounds of the guitarist in the main area….

And the moonlit sea outside....

And the moonlit sea outside….

Before heading to the magic show.

Before heading to the magic show.

Kelli wanted to sit in the front row.....

Kelli wanted to sit in the front row…..

And I told her he was going to pick the closest beautiful woman as a volunteer....

And I told her he was going to pick the closest beautiful woman as a volunteer….

It's like magic that I knew it was going to happen.

It’s like magic that I knew it was going to happen.

So she told him when to cut the rope....

So she told him when to cut the rope….

And he went on to his other lame tricks.

And he went on to his other lame tricks.

Let me just say, that I knew the tricks to all his tricks.

Let me just say, that I knew the tricks to all his tricks.

In the room before dinner, we found a rabbit and some more chocolate.

In the room before dinner, we found a rabbit and some more chocolate.

But alas, dinner calls, and so does the good food that goes with it.

But alas, dinner calls, and so does the good food that goes with it.

I'm getting hungry just looking at the food again.

I’m getting hungry just looking at the food again.

Tell me, do you like seeing the pictures of the food?

Tell me, do you like seeing the pictures of the food?

I know I always find it interesting to see the food people had on vacation.

I know I always find it interesting to see the food people had on vacation.

The head waiter came by and prepared my shrimp for me....Sweet!!!!!

The head waiter came by and prepared my shrimp for me….Sweet!!!!!

One of our table mates.

One of our table mates.

It is a dinner cruise, so sometimes the staff do corney things like dance around with cakes on their heads.

It is a dinner cruise, so sometimes the staff do corney things like dance around with cakes on their heads.

After the entertainment, it was back to the food.

After the entertainment, it was back to the food.

A little after dinner drink.

A little after dinner drink.

The crew is there to please, and when you ask for nothing, that is just what you get.

The crew is there to please, and when you ask for nothing, that is just what you get.

After dinner, we went with our table mates to see the Karaoke show.

After dinner, we went with our table mates to see the Karaoke show.

It was between OK and lame.

It was between OK and lame.

A day at sea, and I spent the day walking around the ship.

A day at sea, and I spent the day walking around the ship.

Kelli relaxed with a crossword.

Kelli relaxed with a crossword.

A model of the ship.

A model of the ship.

We stopped by the belly flop contest....

We stopped by the belly flop contest….

To see who made the biggest splash....

To see who made the biggest splash….

Then it was on to the massage parlor.

Then it was on to the massage parlor.

Later we played some trivia...

Later we played some trivia…

Then it was back to dinner.

Then it was back to dinner.

It was lobster night and all the fat people left the buffet to get their share.....

It was lobster night and all the fat people left the buffet to get their share…..

I hate lobster, so I had the tofu.

I hate lobster, so I had the tofu.



Back in our room it was the chocolate eyed sting ray.

Back in our room it was the chocolate eyed sting ray.

Always try to take a picture when you take the time to get dressed up.

Always try to take a picture when you take the time to get dressed up.

The next day we pulled into Port Canaveral, and you could see the space shuttle on the launch pad.

The next day we pulled into Port Canaveral, and you could see the space shuttle on the launch pad.

Kelli laid by the pool.....

Kelli laid by the pool…..

And then went for a run later.

And then went for a run later.

One time around the top deck was .20 miles.

One time around the top deck was .20 miles.

Hey look, our neighbors didn't come out again.

Hey look, our neighbors didn’t come out again.

Later in the day, it was cocktail time.....

Later in the day, it was cocktail time…..

In the upper lounge.

In the upper lounge.

Afterwards, we headed down to the piano bar for some live music.

Afterwards, we headed down to the piano bar for some live music.

He was great to listen to....

He was great to listen to….

And the moon was just right outside.

And the moon was just right outside.

Seriously, are you getting sick of seeing the food yet?

Seriously, are you getting sick of seeing the food yet?

This trip really spoiled us for being well taken care of by the staff.

This trip really spoiled us for being well taken care of by the staff.

towards the end of the cruise, we were trying everything.....

towards the end of the cruise, we were trying everything…..

Even the shooters.

Even the shooters.

Of course shooters make Kelli go crazy and start swinging her napkin around....

Of course shooters make Kelli go crazy and start swinging her napkin around….

And they make the staff go into the song and dance routine again.

And they make the staff go into the song and dance routine again.

How I did not gain more than 2 pounds I don't know.

How I did not gain more than 2 pounds I don’t know.

OK, this one is a little weird. It's like a big vagina.....with glasses.

OK, this one is a little weird. It’s like a big vagina…..with glasses.

After dinner it was back for some live music.

After dinner it was back for some live music.

And then a photo shoot with The Great Ala-ka-Lame.

And then a photo shoot with The Great Ala-ka-Lame.

Why not, it's free.

Why not, it’s free.

Seriously, why would you go on a cruise and never leave your room?

Seriously, why would you go on a cruise and never leave your room?

Kelli and I loved to leave the get drinks.

Kelli and I loved to leave the room… get drinks.

Look at that sunset.....

Look at that sunset…..

We might as well jump in the picture.

We might as well jump in the picture.

Some blue plate/blue haired special kinda cruise line show. We stayed for about 60 seconds.

Some blue plate/blue haired special kinda cruise line show. We stayed for about 60 seconds.

Looks like I started eating before taking this picture.

Looks like I started eating before taking this picture.

Really, I saw more people with elastic pants then I have ever seen before.

Really, I saw more people with elastic pants then I have ever seen before.

You know people lose weight just so they can put it back on when they go on a cruise?

You know people lose weight just so they can put it back on when they go on a cruise?

A toast to the elastic waistband people.

A toast to the elastic waistband people.

The staff joined us in the toast.

The staff joined us in the toast.

Our excellent waiter Chris on the left.

Our excellent waiter Chris on the left.

Well, this is the last night.....

Well, this is the last night…..

So might as well continue the eating....

So might as well continue the eating….

What else is there to do on a cruise?

What else is there to do on a cruise?

Our table (minus the guy who got pulled off the boat for an outstanding warrant).

Our table (minus the guy who got pulled off the boat for an outstanding warrant).

Kelli loved the staff.

Kelli loved the staff.

Find Kelli.

Find Kelli.

It was the Karaoke finals, and the cowboy named "toolbox" won.

It was the Karaoke finals, and the cowboy named “toolbox” won.

Now that you know what to look for, go back and find Kelli.

Now that you know what to look for, go back and find Kelli.

Last day, and it wouldn't be complete without more food.

Last day, and it wouldn’t be complete without more food.

Our boat had a broken rudder, so we were late getting into port.

Our boat had a broken rudder, so we were late getting into port.

Kelli enjoys the view between the bay bridge spans.

Kelli enjoys the view between the bay bridge spans.

We arrived in port about 7 hours late.....

We arrived in port about 7 hours late…..

And then had to wait about 2 hours to get off the ship.

And then had to wait about 2 hours to get off the ship.

But all in all it was a great cruise......Too bad my pants don't fit anymore!!!!

But all in all it was a great cruise……Too bad my pants don’t fit anymore!!!!

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