Catalina Island, CA 2005

Kelli and I wait at the airport for another vacation.

Kelli and I wait at the airport for another vacation.

Delcie picked us up from the airport in an unmarked sheriff's car.

Delcie picked us up from the airport in an unmarked sheriff’s car.

Of course, we headed right for a good restaurant....

Of course, we headed right for a good restaurant….

That just happens to have 180 beers on tap!!!

That just happens to have 180 beers on tap!!!

Both sides of the bar are lined with taps.

Both sides of the bar are lined with taps.

Well, when you're at the Yard House, what else are you going to drink?

Well, when you’re at the Yard House, what else are you going to drink?

Not wanting to over do things, I opted for the half yard.

Not wanting to over do things, I opted for the half yard.

Delcie, being the driver, just admired Kelli's.

Delcie, being the driver, just admired Kelli’s.

After the beer, Delcie drove Kelli and I over to the pier in Long Beach, CA so we could catch the boat to Catalina Island.

After the beer, Delcie drove Kelli and I over to the pier in Long Beach, CA so we could catch the boat to Catalina Island.

Even Kelli gets tired of the pictures sometimes.

Even Kelli gets tired of the pictures sometimes.

Passing the Queen Mary on our way out to sea.

Passing the Queen Mary on our way out to sea.

Avalon, Catalina Island is 27.5 miles from Long Beach....

Avalon, Catalina Island is 27.5 miles from Long Beach….

So at the halfway point, you feel like you're in the middle of the ocean.

So at the halfway point, you feel like you’re in the middle of the ocean.

60 minutes later, we pulled into the tourist trap known as Avalon.

60 minutes later, we pulled into the tourist trap known as Avalon.

Our hotel room....

Our hotel room….

Before we trashed it like rock stars.

Before we trashed it like rock stars.

I liked the ladder thing for hanging towels.

I liked the ladder thing for hanging towels.

On a walk around town, Kelli tells me which house she wants.

On a walk around town, Kelli tells me which house she wants.

With the town being as small as it was, there was only one thing to do....

With the town being as small as it was, there was only one thing to do….

So we had a couple beers before calling it a night.

So we had a couple beers before calling it a night.

The next morning, we rose to smell the flowers....

The next morning, we rose to smell the flowers….

Then headed to the dive shop to square away our dives for the week.

Then headed to the dive shop to square away our dives for the week.

We also rented the cart from them and walked to the closest dive site, Casino Point Underwater Park.

We also rented the cart from them and walked to the closest dive site, Casino Point Underwater Park.

We wore full 7mm wetsuits, as the water was around 60-65°F.

We wore full 7mm wetsuits, as the water was around 60-65°F.

The beautiful Kelli fish.

The beautiful Kelli fish.

Kelli found a friend.

Kelli found a friend.

Underwater was full of kelp forests, 30-50ft tall stalks of kelp about 5-6ft apart.

Underwater was full of kelp forests, 30-50ft tall stalks of kelp about 5-6ft apart.

An underwater plaque to Jacques Yves Cousteau.

An underwater plaque to Jacques Yves Cousteau.

Plenty of sardines to go around.

Plenty of sardines to go around.

A sea cucumber.

A sea cucumber.

Find the Black Eyed Goby.

Find the Black Eyed Goby.

The Island Kelp Fish were everywhere.

The Island Kelp Fish were everywhere.

As were the aggressive Garibaldi (it's their mating season).

As were the aggressive Garibaldi (it’s their mating season).

Kelli is just happy to be out of the cold water for now.

Kelli is just happy to be out of the cold water for now.

Always stop and smell the flowers....

Always stop and smell the flowers….

Just don't sit on them.

Just don’t sit on them.

I love this shot with the daisies in the background.

I love this shot with the daisies in the background.

A touristy picture in a touristy town.

A touristy picture in a touristy town.

With nothing more to do for the day after our dive, we headed to a different watering hole....

With nothing more to do for the day after our dive, we headed to a different watering hole….

And listened to music from local entertainer, Tony Baloney.

And listened to music from local entertainer, Tony Baloney.

Read the sign to get the joke.

Read the sign to get the joke.

Kelli checks with the local coffee shop to see what celebrities frequent the island....

Kelli checks with the local coffee shop to see what celebrities frequent the island….

Then we "headed" over to another store for some shopping.

Then we “headed” over to another store for some shopping.

We checked out another hotel while we were in town, and next time we'll be staying here at the Avalon Hotel.

We checked out another hotel while we were in town, and next time we’ll be staying here at the Avalon Hotel.

Just look at the view from the roof deck.

Just look at the view from the roof deck.

I was playing with the macro setting on my new camera, that's why there are so many pictures of flowers.

I was playing with the macro setting on my new camera, that’s why there are so many pictures of flowers.

I shot 22 photos in quick succession to create this movie.

A quick stop at the post office, then it was off for some....

A quick stop at the post office, then it was off for some….

Shopping!!!! Find Kelli.

Shopping!!!! Find Kelli.

The modelo man enjoys his beer wherever he may find himself.

The modelo man enjoys his beer wherever he may find himself.

An artsy shot of Kelli.

An artsy shot of Kelli.

You WILL look at these pictures!!!!

You WILL look at these pictures!!!!

I think I've seen this picture on a postcard.

I think I’ve seen this picture on a postcard.

Dinner that night was at the local Mexican restaurant.

Dinner that night was at the local Mexican restaurant.

She just loves the low rise pants.

She just loves the low rise pants.

Breakfast before going diving for the day, and it was fruit loops for me.

Breakfast before going diving for the day, and it was fruit loops for me.

Our dive boat, the King Neptune.

Our dive boat, the King Neptune.

Without a doubt, one of the best dive boats around.

Without a doubt, one of the best dive boats around.

Heading down on the first dive of the day, and I tried to catch my reflection in the air bubble.

Heading down on the first dive of the day, and I tried to catch my reflection in the air bubble.

Kelli stayed between me and the divemaster on the desent line.

Kelli stayed between me and the divemaster on the desent line.

A crown sea urchin and a blue banded goby hang out together.

A crown sea urchin and a blue banded goby hang out together.

One of the many sea fans in the area.

One of the many sea fans in the area.

I took some video while underwater. Check out Movie 1, Movie 2, and Movie 3.

I took some video while underwater. Check out Movie 1, Movie 2, and Movie 3.

The Garibaldi (Hypsypops rubicundus) is the California state fish.

The Garibaldi (Hypsypops rubicundus) is the California state fish.

They were very eager to get in my face.

They were very eager to get in my face.

A pair of brittle star fish.

A pair of brittle star fish.

The anchor was wedged under a rock, and the divemaster had to come down and unhook it.

The anchor was wedged under a rock, and the divemaster had to come down and unhook it.

A Sheep Crab (Loxorhynchus grandis) that the divemaster had found.

A Sheep Crab (Loxorhynchus grandis) that the divemaster had found.

A cool shot of some sardines that we swam through.

A cool shot of some sardines that we swam through.

Back on the surface, with no sun, Kelli was cold.

Back on the surface, with no sun, Kelli was cold.

Our divemaster, Chris, letting us know where the salt water rinse was on the boat.

Our divemaster, Chris, letting us know where the salt water rinse was on the boat.

Our second dive of the day, and a jelly fish makes it's way to the bottom.

Our second dive of the day, and a jelly fish makes it’s way to the bottom.

The flash brought out the color in the grouper, who otherwise was completly camouflaged on top of the rock.

The flash brought out the color in the grouper, who otherwise was completly camouflaged on top of the rock.

An island kelp fish gets up close and personal.

An island kelp fish gets up close and personal.

Kelli and I pose for a picture....

Kelli and I pose for a picture….

While divemaster Chris sat around and drank beer.

While divemaster Chris sat around and drank beer.

A well textured sea fan.

A well textured sea fan.

Check out this horn shark I found!!!! He was about 18 inches long.

Check out this horn shark I found!!!! He was about 18 inches long.

I got that "Jaws" feeling when approaching the boat.

I got that “Jaws” feeling when approaching the boat.

Kelli signals that she's heading for the surface.

Kelli signals that she’s heading for the surface.

Back on land everyone drives golf carts, even the umpa lumpas.

Back on land everyone drives golf carts, even the umpa lumpas.

After a long day of diving, it was off to the bar for a beer.

After a long day of diving, it was off to the bar for a beer.

Kelli's favorite fish, the puffer.

Kelli’s favorite fish, the puffer.

Yes, I am a dork.

Yes, I am a dork.



Another bar, and another round of drinks, please.

Another bar, and another round of drinks, please.

She really did not want me to take this picture.

She really did not want me to take this picture.

An interesting shot of the glasses behind the bar.

An interesting shot of the glasses behind the bar.

OK, two more then it's time for bed.

OK, two more then it’s time for bed.

Our second day of boat dives, and I'm bringing both cameras today.

Our second day of boat dives, and I’m bringing both cameras today.

Scuba Luv provided breakfast and lunch for us on our dives.

Scuba Luv provided breakfast and lunch for us on our dives.

Avalon in the early morning mist.

Avalon in the early morning mist.

Kelli did her best to stay warm.

Kelli did her best to stay warm.

On our way to the dive sites, we got our gear setup for the day.

On our way to the dive sites, we got our gear setup for the day.

After which, I took a little down time.

After which, I took a little down time.

The white spot in the bottom center was a seal on the rock. The water was too choppy for me to get a good picture.

The white spot in the bottom center was a seal on the rock. The water was too choppy for me to get a good picture.

The batteries died, so this is the only shot I got on the first dive.

The batteries died, so this is the only shot I got on the first dive.

A sample of the texture found along the island's edge.

A sample of the texture found along the island’s edge.

Kelli stays warm inside, while Chris and I hang around outside.

Kelli stays warm inside, while Chris and I hang around outside.

Who is this sexy guy????

Who is this sexy guy????

Can anyone tell me why this rock is white??? (answer: guano)

Can anyone tell me why this rock is white??? (answer: guano)

Can you find the tail of the giant kelp fish?

Can you find the tail of the giant kelp fish?

This senorita fish followed me for most of the dive.

This senorita fish followed me for most of the dive.

The stuff looked like brains underwater.

The stuff looked like brains underwater.

A good shot that really shows off the sea kelp.

A good shot that really shows off the sea kelp.

My favorite underwater picture of the trip, another horn shark.

My favorite underwater picture of the trip, another horn shark.

There were lobsters everywhere.

There were lobsters everywhere.

This giant kelp fish hides in the kelp from me.

This giant kelp fish hides in the kelp from me.

A nice little pair of black eyed gobys.

A nice little pair of black eyed gobys.

I think he was wedged in the rock for the purpose of sleeping, and I woke him up.

I think he was wedged in the rock for the purpose of sleeping, and I woke him up.

No lie, this star fish's legs were about a foot long, making it about 2 feet wide.

No lie, this star fish’s legs were about a foot long, making it about 2 feet wide.

Kelli hates it when I leave the seat up.

Kelli hates it when I leave the seat up.

The chance spotting of the 6ft giant black sea bass.

The chance spotting of the 6ft giant black sea bass.

Back on the boat, we brag about seeing the sea bass.

Back on the boat, we brag about seeing the sea bass.

Our Captain, and his mates.

Our Captain, and his mates.

Self portrait, with Kelli.

Self portrait, with Kelli.

This is how I knew the names of all the fish.

This is how I knew the names of all the fish.

Last dive of the day, and this one was through a kelp forest.

Last dive of the day, and this one was through a kelp forest.

Kelli waves hello.

Kelli waves hello.

A male sheephead crusies by. Also, check out this video.

A male sheephead crusies by. Also, check out this video.

Well, that was the last dive, now we can really relax....

Well, that was the last dive, now we can really relax….

At a bar of course.

At a bar of course.

Oh, those silly tourists.

Oh, those silly tourists.

Divemaster Chris came out with us for a few drinks, too.

Divemaster Chris came out with us for a few drinks, too.

I'm not sure why he wears a giant condom on his head.

I’m not sure why he wears a giant condom on his head.

Needing something different, we headed out to another bar.

Needing something different, we headed out to another bar.

It was a great night to just be outside.

It was a great night to just be outside.

Clearly a few drinks in us now.

Clearly a few drinks in us now.

Me with local celebrity, Dr. Bill.

Me with local celebrity, Dr. Bill.

Did someone say Karaoke?

Did someone say Karaoke?

A round of applause for my drunkin performance!!!

A round of applause for my drunkin performance!!!

Chris had his share, too.

Chris had his share, too.

They really got into it.

They really got into it.

Nothing like pin-up girls in the men's bathroom.

Nothing like pin-up girls in the men’s bathroom.

Find Kelli.

Find Kelli.

We were supposed to meet Chris at some club, but there was a fire there, so we just went home and went to bed.

We were supposed to meet Chris at some club, but there was a fire there, so we just went home and went to bed.

The next day, and our time on the island is over....

The next day, and our time on the island is over….

We headed back to the mainland for Delcie's wedding.

We headed back to the mainland for Delcie’s wedding.

It was a mile walk from the boat to the hotel....

It was a mile walk from the boat to the hotel….

And when we got there, our room wasn't ready, so....

And when we got there, our room wasn’t ready, so….

We went for a walk across the street.

We went for a walk across the street.

I like the "EL PHONO" sign.

I like the “EL PHONO” sign.

Yes, she really does love G-13

Yes, she really does love G-13

I stopped to spy on some people....

I stopped to spy on some people….

And Kelli joined in the fun.

And Kelli joined in the fun.

Self portrait.

Self portrait.

Ever hear of an oxygen bar?

Ever hear of an oxygen bar?

Basically you breath O2 like someone on medicare.

Basically you breath O2 like someone on medicare.

It makes you feel a little light headed, but....

It makes you feel a little light headed, but….

The best part was the backrub and head scratch the whole time I was there.

The best part was the backrub and head scratch the whole time I was there.

Oh yeah!!!!!

Oh yeah!!!!!

Somehow I don't think this is just for show.

Somehow I don’t think this is just for show.

Back to the Yard House for more of my beer of choice, Fire Rock Pale Ale.

Back to the Yard House for more of my beer of choice, Fire Rock Pale Ale.

Kelli had one, too.

Kelli had one, too.

We also got some food while we were there, a giant tuna roll.

We also got some food while we were there, a giant tuna roll.

After finishing mine, I was able to determine where the glass was made.

After finishing mine, I was able to determine where the glass was made.

With the beer gone, it was time to go back to the hotel.

With the beer gone, it was time to go back to the hotel.

Good thing it was only a short walk across the street.

Good thing it was only a short walk across the street.

Does this remind you of anything???

Does this remind you of anything???

Benny McCrary??

Benny McCrary??

Back at the hotel, we ran into Delcie....

Back at the hotel, we ran into Delcie….

Who was no doubt having a good time.

Who was no doubt having a good time.

But with our room still not ready, we were stuck at the bar.

But with our room still not ready, we were stuck at the bar.

At least the manager of the hotel gave us free drinks for the trouble.

At least the manager of the hotel gave us free drinks for the trouble.

Sometimes we're just goofy.

Sometimes we’re just goofy.

I challenged Kelli to some pool....

I challenged Kelli to some pool….

And got my butt kicked.

And got my butt kicked.

The room was finally ready!!!!

The room was finally ready!!!!

We moved in and made ourselves comfortable.

We moved in and made ourselves comfortable.

The room was nice and spacious.

The room was nice and spacious.

I left the swinger door open, but I guess the people on the other side weren't interested.

I left the swinger door open, but I guess the people on the other side weren’t interested.

We had a great view.....

We had a great view…..

Of the Long Beach scene.

Of the Long Beach scene.

Delcie sent us a goodie package....

Delcie sent us a goodie package….

With lots of little goodies!!!!

With lots of little goodies!!!!

The next morning Kelli and I waited out front for....

The next morning Kelli and I waited out front for….

Shakes to pick us up!!!

Shakes to pick us up!!!

We all went to George's Greek Cafe and had a great lunch.

We all went to George’s Greek Cafe and had a great lunch.

Afterwards, we did some shopping....

Afterwards, we did some shopping….

Where I bought Kelli a new diamond ring.

Where I bought Kelli a new diamond ring.

Personally, I love both.

Personally, I love both.

We ended our time at where else....The Yard House.

We ended our time at where else….The Yard House.

By the time we got back to the hotel, Delcie's wedding prep was in full swing.

By the time we got back to the hotel, Delcie’s wedding prep was in full swing.

Her room was a buzz with wedding fever.

Her room was a buzz with wedding fever.

He was going to try it on, but I told him it wasn't his type.

He was going to try it on, but I told him it wasn’t his type.

Back at our hotel room, and time to get least according to the in house TV system.

Back at our hotel room, and time to get ready…at least according to the in house TV system.

Looking sharp, and ready to party.

Looking sharp, and ready to party.

The classic cars are going to be used as an exit.

The classic cars are going to be used as an exit.

They were married at the CSU Japanese Garden.

They were married at the CSU Japanese Garden.

The area had lots of color and texture.

The area had lots of color and texture.

Everyone was ready, and waiting on Delcie.

Everyone was ready, and waiting on Delcie.

And here she comes with her father.

And here she comes with her father.

For those of you who like this stuff, here is the train.

For those of you who like this stuff, here is the train.

It was a short ceremony, and they were married.

It was a short ceremony, and they were married.

Unfortunatly the super glue lipstick wasn't such a good idea.

Unfortunatly the super glue lipstick wasn’t such a good idea.

Kelli and I went back to the hotel to wait for the reception.

Kelli and I went back to the hotel to wait for the reception.

A litttle late, but they finally arrived.

A litttle late, but they finally arrived.

Kelli sure does seem happy to see her.

Kelli sure does seem happy to see her.

And so does Mike!!!!

And so does Mike!!!!

Lots of gifts for them.

Lots of gifts for them.

While Kelli and I were on guest book duty, she snuck into an indian wedding and got some indian food.

While Kelli and I were on guest book duty, she snuck into an indian wedding and got some indian food.

Backstage, everyone was getting ready for the big entrance.

Backstage, everyone was getting ready for the big entrance.

Delcie's father opting to be seen with two women.

Delcie’s father opting to be seen with two women.

This was the gift for the guests....

This was the gift for the guests….

A custom made CD of "their" songs. They kinda look like a Captain and Tennille album.

A custom made CD of “their” songs. They kinda look like a Captain and Tennille album.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hynes.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hynes.

Their first dance.

Their first dance.

Last wedding picture, and then Kelli and I headed for home....

Last wedding picture, and then Kelli and I headed for home….

With a quick stop at the airport for some eats!!!!!

With a quick stop at the airport for some eats!!!!!

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