Fall 2004

Fall started for me with a company trip to Nashua, NH.

Fall started for me with a company trip to Nashua, NH.

A few people got into some mischief that night....

A few people got into some mischief that night….

By stuffing the boss's room with packing peanuts....

By stuffing the boss’s room with packing peanuts….

In addition, all items that could be wrapped in plastic wrap were.....

In addition, all items that could be wrapped in plastic wrap were…..

Including the toilet!!!

Including the toilet!!!

Good thing we got there in time to stop them and grab the supplies before they really did some damage!!!!

Good thing we got there in time to stop them and grab the supplies before they really did some damage!!!!

Don and I relaxed in the lounge at the airport and had a few good jokes over the pranks pulled.

Don and I relaxed in the lounge at the airport and had a few good jokes over the pranks pulled.

When I arrived home, it was Kelli's birthday!!!!!

When I arrived home, it was Kelli’s birthday!!!!!

We happened to bump into old friends Art and Gloria while out celebrating (nice pose Gloria).

We happened to bump into old friends Art and Gloria while out celebrating (nice pose Gloria).

Then it was off to the cheese store to get some yummies for later.

Then it was off to the cheese store to get some yummies for later.

That evening, I took Kelli out for dinner, but forgot to take a picture at the restaurant.

That evening, I took Kelli out for dinner, but forgot to take a picture at the restaurant.

Hey, check out my new grill!!!!!

Hey, check out my new grill!!!!!

What better way to enjoy Raven's football.

What better way to enjoy Raven’s football.

One of the few times Mathew helps out with taking care of Taylor.

One of the few times Mathew helps out with taking care of Taylor.

Steve Kilgallon is opening a new store, James Music Store.

Steve Kilgallon is opening a new store, James Music Store.

I went out to check out how the progress was coming along.

I went out to check out how the progress was coming along.

Chauncey the ferret, how can that be comfortable?

Chauncey the ferret, how can that be comfortable?

Kelli and I took a day in Baltimore to go to the Maryland Oktoberfest.

Kelli and I took a day in Baltimore to go to the Maryland Oktoberfest.

How a real beer drinker dresses.

How a real beer drinker dresses.

Brian Shadrick is working on building a porch at his house.

Brian Shadrick is working on building a porch at his house.

As you can see, it's coming along quite nicely.

As you can see, it’s coming along quite nicely.

Our future was so bright, we had to wear shades.

Our future was so bright, we had to wear shades.

Tony Hawk's Underground 2's homage to Team Bradley.

Tony Hawk’s Underground 2’s homage to Team Bradley.

On our way to Kelli's cousin's house, we stopped and got our pumpkins.

On our way to Kelli’s cousin’s house, we stopped and got our pumpkins.

Two small pumpkins, and one BIG pumpkin!!

Two small pumpkins, and one BIG pumpkin!!

Cousins Marc and Barb's new house.

Cousins Marc and Barb’s new house.

We all headed over to the fish store, That Pet Place.

We all headed over to the fish store, That Pet Place.

They had a really cool "touch" pool.

They had a really cool “touch” pool.

I was unable to reach anything too cool though.

I was unable to reach anything too cool though.

I am such a sucker for these stupid things.

I am such a sucker for these stupid things.

This fish tank was about 10 feet long....

This fish tank was about 10 feet long….

And this grouper was quite a fish to look at in the tank.

And this grouper was quite a fish to look at in the tank.

Kelli and I prepare for the first annual Ellicott City Bike Rally.

Kelli and I prepare for the first annual Ellicott City Bike Rally.

We bumped into a high school friend, Laurie Kirsh.

We bumped into a high school friend, Laurie Kirsh.

It had been raining all day...

It had been raining all day…

So not too many people showed up for the rally...

So not too many people showed up for the rally…

But those who came made the best of it.

But those who came made the best of it.

Daaaa, you wanna help me put the hard top on my Jeep?

Daaaa, you wanna help me put the hard top on my Jeep?

A birthday celebration, and we're all out for sushi.

A birthday celebration, and we’re all out for sushi.

Later that night, a dip in the hot tub.

Later that night, a dip in the hot tub.

The final out of the 2004 World Series....

The final out of the 2004 World Series….

And Boston breaks the Bambino's Curse.

And Boston breaks the Bambino’s Curse.

Peter, Kelli, Chauncey, and I went to Ocean City for Halloween.

Peter, Kelli, Chauncey, and I went to Ocean City for Halloween.

We shot some stick at the Snapper....

We shot some stick at the Snapper….

Then headed over to The Sandbar for some karaoke.

Then headed over to The Sandbar for some karaoke.

Peter got in on the act too.

Peter got in on the act too.

Afterwards it was over to McD's for some late night eats.

Afterwards it was over to McD’s for some late night eats.

Peter is clearly happy about something, I wonder if it was his Karaoke?

Peter is clearly happy about something, I wonder if it was his Karaoke?

It was probably just the fact that he was getting some food in himself.

It was probably just the fact that he was getting some food in himself.

The next day, we all ran the Seaside 5k together.

The next day, we all ran the Seaside 5k together.

Peter is letting me know that he is number one.

Peter is letting me know that he is number one.

Cold and tired, but a beer in hand is all they need.

Cold and tired, but a beer in hand is all they need.

Art and Gloria were in town for the race too.

Art and Gloria were in town for the race too.

Hey Kelli, you got some shake to go with those fries?

Hey Kelli, you got some shake to go with those fries?

Art always wins his age group...by outliving the competition.

Art always wins his age group…by outliving the competition.

OK, time to go get ready for our night out.

OK, time to go get ready for our night out.

It was Halloween, remember?

It was Halloween, remember?

We went to BJ's on the bay for some drink and...

We went to BJ’s on the bay for some drink and…

Impromptu singing (I was the only one dressed up)!!

Impromptu singing (I was the only one dressed up)!!

We stopped on the way home and bought another pumpkin.

We stopped on the way home and bought another pumpkin.

And when we did get home, we found Bender had left us some treats.

And when we did get home, we found Bender had left us some treats.

Kelli took the pumpkins, and begins carving....

Kelli took the pumpkins, and begins carving….

While I worked on the outside of the house for the Trick-Or-Treaters.

While I worked on the outside of the house for the Trick-Or-Treaters.

I played It's A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown using my laptop, an LCD projector, and a guitar amp for sound.

I played It’s A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown using my laptop, an LCD projector, and a guitar amp for sound.

By the time I had it all setup, Kelli's roasted pumpkin seeds were ready to be eaten!!!

By the time I had it all setup, Kelli’s roasted pumpkin seeds were ready to be eaten!!!

Lots of candy for the kiddies this year.

Lots of candy for the kiddies this year.

They were allowed one from the bowl on the left OR as much as one hand could hold from the bowl on the right.

They were allowed one from the bowl on the left OR as much as one hand could hold from the bowl on the right.

Needless to say, the whole setup was a big hit!!!

Needless to say, the whole setup was a big hit!!!

There were even treats for the adults!!!!

There were even treats for the adults!!!!

Erin and Mathew stopped by with Taylor to check out the scene.

Erin and Mathew stopped by with Taylor to check out the scene.

My horrible picture of the lunar eclipse.

My horrible picture of the lunar eclipse.

Mike and Delcie came to town, and got engaged!!!

Mike and Delcie came to town, and got engaged!!!

So we met up with them to celebrate!!!

So we met up with them to celebrate!!!

I've been writing captions for over an hour now, with a lot more pictures to go.

I’ve been writing captions for over an hour now, with a lot more pictures to go.

Dinner that night at Phillippi Creek Restaurant. Yes, we are dorks.

Dinner that night at Phillippi Creek Restaurant. Yes, we are dorks.

Out in VA one night for a company social.

Out in VA one night for a company social.

Always time for the ladies.

Always time for the ladies.

Nothing like a mustache to make you look toothless.

Nothing like a mustache to make you look toothless.

Out to one of our favorite brewerys for the unveiling of a new beer.

Out to one of our favorite brewerys for the unveiling of a new beer.

Peter made the trip as well.

Peter made the trip as well.

Why is Kelli leaning out the window?

Why is Kelli leaning out the window?

Brian Shadrick, still working on his porch.

Brian Shadrick, still working on his porch.

Maybe two bottles of prune juice wasn't a good idea.

Maybe two bottles of prune juice wasn’t a good idea.

No need for a bath tonight.

No need for a bath tonight.

Yet another night at the pub.

Yet another night at the pub.

Timmy tells of his adventures to Jamaica.

Timmy tells of his adventures to Jamaica.

Thanksgiving at my Aunt's house.

Thanksgiving at my Aunt’s house.

Oh yeah, nothing like a woman in the kitchen cooking....

Oh yeah, nothing like a woman in the kitchen cooking….

While the men do their own thing.

While the men do their own thing.

Everyone was in a nice relaxed state of mind.

Everyone was in a nice relaxed state of mind.

The picture is of him when he was in the Navy.

The picture is of him when he was in the Navy.

The kids were more than happy to show me what they were eating.

The kids were more than happy to show me what they were eating.

But I couldn't get the adults to do the same.

But I couldn’t get the adults to do the same.

The Columbus'.

The Columbus’.

Quick come and look at what your grandmother is doing.

Quick come and look at what your grandmother is doing.

Old habits die hard.

Old habits die hard.

Coming back to the house, Kelli and I had a weekend of work.

Coming back to the house, Kelli and I had a weekend of work.

We painted the ceiling....

We painted the ceiling….

And the walls of the bedroom.

And the walls of the bedroom.

Isn't she sweet.

Isn’t she sweet.

Taylor's first Nino taco.

Taylor’s first Nino taco.

We also bought our Christmas tree the weekend of Thanksgiving.

We also bought our Christmas tree the weekend of Thanksgiving.

Hand saws are for sissies.

Hand saws are for sissies.

Picking a tree.

Erin and Taylor went one way looking for a tree....

Erin and Taylor went one way looking for a tree….

And Kelli went another to find ours (the glove marks it as our tree).

And Kelli went another to find ours (the glove marks it as our tree).

Mathew lends a hand while I cut the tree.

Mathew lends a hand while I cut the tree.

The cordless saw made short work of cutting the tree.

The cordless saw made short work of cutting the tree.

Not as much butt crack as last time.

Not as much butt crack as last time.

The carts were great for pulling the trees....

The carts were great for pulling the trees….

Especially up the hill!!!

Especially up the hill!!!

All done with the tree, but Click here for a movie of that day at the tree farm.

All done with the tree, but Click here for a movie of that day at the tree farm.

When we got home, I had to trim the tree so it would fit in the room.

When we got home, I had to trim the tree so it would fit in the room.

I strung the lights.....

I strung the lights…..

And Kelli cleaned up the mess.

And Kelli cleaned up the mess.

That Sunday, it was over to my Grandmother's house, with a quick stop to say hello to my Grandfather.

That Sunday, it was over to my Grandmother’s house, with a quick stop to say hello to my Grandfather.

We also stopped by a local bar. Ever notice the Brewers' glove is an "M" and a "B"?

We also stopped by a local bar. Ever notice the Brewers’ glove is an “M” and a “B”?

When we arrived at my Grandmother's, the second Thanksgiving was in full swing.

When we arrived at my Grandmother’s, the second Thanksgiving was in full swing.

I get Thanksgiving on two days....

I get Thanksgiving on two days….

The Sunday after the real Thanksgiving is spent with this Grandmother.

The Sunday after the real Thanksgiving is spent with this Grandmother.

Taylor's first Turkey Day.

Taylor’s first Turkey Day.

My father shows off his stuffed belly. Click here for a quick movie of the day.

My father shows off his stuffed belly. Click here for a quick movie of the day.

2 hours of working on captions so far.

2 hours of working on captions so far.

Kelli did her part to decorate the tree.

Kelli did her part to decorate the tree.

Doesn't it look great?

Doesn’t it look great?

Midnight madness in Ellicott City.....

Midnight madness in Ellicott City…..

Walking around town, and Rob wanted to check out the Yarn Shop.

Walking around town, and Rob wanted to check out the Yarn Shop.

Then it was down to Sides Streets Cafe for a drink.

Then it was down to Sides Streets Cafe for a drink.

A day at Baltimore's Cross Street Market.

A day at Baltimore’s Cross Street Market.

By the look on my face, I'd say that was the third glass of wine for me.

By the look on my face, I’d say that was the third glass of wine for me.

But that night, there was plenty of time to party.

But that night, there was plenty of time to party.

Getting into the holiday season, it was time for holiday parties.

Getting into the holiday season, it was time for holiday parties.

Kelli gets close with host Jeff.

Kelli gets close with host Jeff.

It was a work sponsored function, and a good time.

It was a work sponsored function, and a good time.

Free Raven's tickets are always good.

Free Raven’s tickets are always good.

And Mike took his favorite pseudo-step-son-in-law.

And Mike took his favorite pseudo-step-son-in-law.

While attempting some sort of cheerleading pose....

While attempting some sort of cheerleading pose….

The blonde on the top fell.

The blonde on the top fell.

But they were able to get it right on the second try.

But they were able to get it right on the second try.

Hanging out with Laurie in Georgetown, DC.

Hanging out with Laurie in Georgetown, DC.

Santa comes every year on the Elkridge fire engine and gives out candy canes.

Santa comes every year on the Elkridge fire engine and gives out candy canes.

I liked this shot of Mrs. Clause.

I liked this shot of Mrs. Clause.

Hanging with the Grandparents one afternoon.

Hanging with the Grandparents one afternoon.

My Grandmother put this tree up because she knew I was coming.

My Grandmother put this tree up because she knew I was coming.

On a tour of looking at Christmas lights, and this is my Uncle's house.

On a tour of looking at Christmas lights, and this is my Uncle’s house.

He goes a little nutty....

He goes a little nutty….

And doesn't limit it to the outside of the house.

And doesn’t limit it to the outside of the house.

See the bird on Kelli's shoulder?

See the bird on Kelli’s shoulder?

I've been told I have his nose.

I’ve been told I have his nose.

Just like Kelli to steal food from a birds mouth.

Just like Kelli to steal food from a birds mouth.

Continuing our tour of Christmas lights, this is Hampden, Baltimore.

Continuing our tour of Christmas lights, this is Hampden, Baltimore.

Known all over the world for the light display every year.

Known all over the world for the light display every year.

Then it was down to the corner for some eats at Cafe Hon. (pronounced Hun).

Then it was down to the corner for some eats at Cafe Hon. (pronounced Hun).

Who is this beautiful running babe?

Who is this beautiful running babe?

The national Christmas tree in front of the White House.

The national Christmas tree in front of the White House.

On this holiday season evening, we went to a party at Pam's house.

On this holiday season evening, we went to a party at Pam’s house.

We all hung out and did beer tastings.

We all hung out and did beer tastings.

Pam also put together a little "make-your-own-pizza" station.

Pam also put together a little “make-your-own-pizza” station.

And they were good!!!!!

And they were good!!!!!



It was a fun event....

It was a fun event….

And we even got our first dusting of snow for the year.

And we even got our first dusting of snow for the year.

The famed Ellicott City gang.

The famed Ellicott City gang.

Aren't you a member?

Aren’t you a member?

I can't belive you got the whole domino in your nose.

I can’t belive you got the whole domino in your nose.

Hey look, we're at the pub.....again.

Hey look, we’re at the pub…..again.

Drizzle was in the hizzle.

Drizzle was in the hizzle.

And so were these babes!!!

And so were these babes!!!

Well, it looks like there isn't enough room for anything else to fit....

Well, it looks like there isn’t enough room for anything else to fit….

But here's one for the road. See you in the Spring!!!!!

But here’s one for the road. See you in the Spring!!!!!

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