Why are Kelli and I dressed up in front of the Christmas tree….

And why is all this food laid out on the table….

What is this gift basket for…

And why is the railing decorated and mistletoe hanging….

What is all the beer cooling for…

Well, as Kelli would be happy to tell you…

Kristi and Pete get into the holiday sprit.

It time for the fourth annual Habicht Wine Tasting Party!!!!!

By two hours in, the party was in full swing.

Some people had already had so much to drink, that they needed to sit down.

As the upstairs got crowded, people began migrating into the “rec room”.

Jules and I pose for a shot.

The spectating section for…

The intense pool game.

“Hey, I know this party’s rockin’, but we’re going to be the first to leave.”, said “King-Pin” Monica.

Fran showed her the door, but he stayed a few more hours.

The only thing missing from this picture is me!!!

This picture of Jules and Susan was so I could show Jules my new printer.

Why is it that Kelli always seems to be with some other guy in these pictures?

Jules sporting the freshly printed picture.

King takes queen, checkmate!!!!

Jeff is so very happy that he has won the door prize.

Once again, Kelli and another guy.

Ok kelli, the party is over and I’m going to bed. I’ll see you when your done all the cleaning.

So while Scott slept throught the night, Kelli cleaned, and we all had a great time!!!!