Kelli starts off Turkey day where any good woman should…..in the kitchen.

Cousin Marc, being a card carrying member of NOW, steps in to help with the dishes.

Cousin Barb figured she’d just ride the gravy train.

So while the food cooked…

The women continued to work….

The men sat around and talked about how great it is to be a man.

But with the food cooked…..

The wine opened….

And the table set…..

It was time to eat!!!!!

After dinner, the women cleaned up…..

While the men continued the discussion of how great it is to be a man.

On the way home from OC, Kelli and I stopped by Little Ashby Vineyards in Easton, MD.

The Sunday after turkey day, was spent at my grandmother’s for a second helping of Thanksgiving with my family.

That is the only phone in her house, it has a cord, it’s a rotary, and there is no answering machine.

Mathew, bewildered by what goes on in a kitchen.

Shouldn’t you ladies be attending to your men?

Dinner is almost ready…

So let’s eat!!!! Thanksgiving, part two!!!!

Nice move with the hand Mathew.

Um, go find a room.

YES, now that she’s asleep, I can relax!!

Brothers, always at play.

Well, that’s all, so from the whole Habicht family to you, happy Thanksgiving!!!!