I was really lazy with the picture taking on the trip, and this is the next night before we went to dinner.

Kelli inspects the goods in the “Top Class” lounge at BWI airport.

Finally on the plane, and Kelli is hungry….

But she didn’t have to wait long for breakfast to be served, and it was good!!!

We’ve landed in Jamaica, now it’s time for customs.

Nothing like the long lines of customs in a third world country.

We then had an hour and a half bus ride from Montego Bay to Negril to get to the resort.

Some of the scenery along the way.

Finally, we arrived at Sandals Negril!!!!

We went to our room and celebrated with champagne.

Our room was a two level loft with a spiral staircase from one level to the other.

It, of course, came with a fully stocked bar.

Hmmmm, what to get drunk on first?

The upstairs had a high ceiling, which was great for jumping (among other things) on the bed.

Overall, we found the room to be quite accommodating.

Even the bathroom was nice.

Our balcony looked out onto the Caribbean.

Enough picture taking, time for me to start drinking!!!!

Our first night there, and we’re about to go out to dinner.

Next day, and we went SCUBA diving.

Once again, a spotting of the rare and beautiful Kelli fish.

An angel fish.

The divemaster brought some bread down and was feeding the fish.

They were eating right out of his hand.

Look at all of them!!!!

Look, a mermaid!!!!

The underwater me.

I really need to get an underwater housing for my digital camera.

While the disposible camera I bought takes OK pictures….

Finding one where the true colors and beauty come through is hard to do.

A trumpet fish.

My mermaid from a distance.

Getting ready to go out for dinner that night.

All ready, now it’s time to go.

The restaurants and what they offer.

The next morning, we went SCUBA diving again. This is Brenda and Larry, a couple we dove with all week.

I swam with this school for a little while.

Can you find the fish?

Me getting ready for dinner that night….

I always seem to get ready before Kelli.

OK, so the next day while Kelli relaxed on the beach, I walked around and took some pictures.

All the dead palm tree stumps were carved into some sort of sculpture.

Lots of tropical flowers…

and lots of pictures of tropical flowers.

My lense was foggy from being in the air conditioning, then coming out into the hot humid air…oh well.

These were dropping all over the place, but I only heard one report of a coconut hitting someone.

Lots of things to do….water sports, land sports, nothing……..


Shoot pool, or hey….DRINK!!!!

The koi pond at one of the restaurants.

I only saw one person use the gym all week.

A Japanese steak house, the food was OK, but the coffee was great!!!!

The path leading to the spa, which Kelli and I went to twice!!!!

More flowers.

I have no idea what kind of flower this is, but I thought the colors were cool.

Paulie wants out of the cage.

One of the areas you could get married at on the resort.

The main entrance.

The main pool with swim up bar.

So, all that, and Kelli is still sun bathing.

some more pictures…

Of topless women!!!

We were right next door to Hedonism 2…

And while things looked good from far, they were more often far from good.

She has awoken from her sun bathing slumber.

That night, I tried to take some pictures, but the lense fogged on me again. Oh well.

Setting the camera for…..

Tonight’s before dinner picture.

This is what Brenda and Larry look like above water.

Great story, but not enough pictures, so the short is the guy on the left passed out (while standing) our second night there from drinking….

Me and another guy had to drag him home…..sorry Mike.

Next night, and while Kelli got ready for dinner, I took some pictures.

She didn’t take too long, but it was worth the wait.

While Kelli got ready for our last dinner, I got the picture ready for us.

What a GREAT night!!!!

The romantic in me coming through!!!!

Mike and Tanya….It was Mike who helped me carry the other guy home.

We all laughed about the night when Mike, Tanya, and Amy all passsed out within a half hour of each other.,

Kelli and I love Ping Pong, and while she usually does better, I won this time and currently hold the Habicht Championship title.

Our last day, and we’re just killing time waiting for the bus.

Well, it was a great trip, next time you’ll have to come with us!!!!!