Fall 2002

Kelli enjoys a nice early fall evening at her mother's house.

Kelli enjoys a nice early fall evening at her mother’s house.

Kelli's fish.

Kelli’s fish.

She hates how much time I spend on the computer, but loves the wireless network for herself.

She hates how much time I spend on the computer, but loves the wireless network for herself.

Our one year anniversary celebrated at The Wild Orchid.

Our one year anniversary celebrated at The Wild Orchid.

Kelli making an anniversary wish.

Kelli making an anniversary wish.

Afterwards, we visited my grandparents, who live right around the corner from the restaurant in Annapolis, MD.

Afterwards, we visited my grandparents, who live right around the corner from the restaurant in Annapolis, MD.

They were more than happy to have their number one grandson stop by.

They were more than happy to have their number one grandson stop by.

Courtney (Kelli's step sister) and Dave Porter had a house warming party.

Courtney (Kelli’s step sister) and Dave Porter had a house warming party.

So we all came out for the free beer and food.

So we all came out for the free beer and food.

Yes, as always, we were the best looking couple there.

Yes, as always, we were the best looking couple there.

Once I convinced him to give me one of his balls, I shot some hoops too.

Once I convinced him to give me one of his balls, I shot some hoops too.

Kristi and Pete pose for the camera.

Kristi and Pete pose for the camera.

This picture is in here so Courtney and Dave can show people what their house looks like.

This picture is in here so Courtney and Dave can show people what their house looks like.

This little kid was not only hogging the balls, he was more the happy to state, "I have three balls!!"

This little kid was not only hogging the balls, he was more the happy to state, “I have three balls!!”

On the way home, I enjoyed the good weather.

On the way home, I enjoyed the good weather.

Maryland was in a really bad drought this past summer...

Maryland was in a really bad drought this past summer…

These are pictures of the reservoir. A little low, don't you think?

These are pictures of the reservoir. A little low, don’t you think?

One night we went over to high school friend Cathy (Shipp) Bradford's house....

One night we went over to high school friend Cathy (Shipp) Bradford’s house….

For an evening of gaming.

For an evening of gaming.

Mike Stewart's birthday, and the family went to Tio Pepe's for dinner.

Mike Stewart’s birthday, and the family went to Tio Pepe’s for dinner.

Good fun was had by all.

Good fun was had by all.

This is a gas pump when I started pumping gas, CNN came on the T.V.

This is a gas pump when I started pumping gas, CNN came on the T.V.

A spider I found in the basement. The circle to the right is a quarter.

A spider I found in the basement. The circle to the right is a quarter.

Kelli enjoys some late night T.V. in a quite manner, so I can go to sleep.

Kelli enjoys some late night T.V. in a quite manner, so I can go to sleep.

Missy, however was a little more civilized....

Missy, however was a little more civilized….

I told them to bury the body deeper so no one would find it, but do they listen to me..nooooo!!

I told them to bury the body deeper so no one would find it, but do they listen to me..nooooo!!

Cheers, and congratulations to Kelli and Mike for running a great race!!!!

Cheers, and congratulations to Kelli and Mike for running a great race!!!!

Kelli and Chauncey enjoy a private moment.

Kelli and Chauncey enjoy a private moment.

A night in Baltimore with Cousin Sheryl.

A night in Baltimore with Cousin Sheryl.

Brian, Beth, and Steward also came out for the fun.

Brian, Beth, and Steward also came out for the fun.

The girls do their best to look sexy.

The girls do their best to look sexy.

If you can't have sisters, have cousins!!

If you can’t have sisters, have cousins!!

Brian apparently had the same idea....

Brian apparently had the same idea….

But seeing I'm married to Kelli, he was only able to get one cousin that night.

But seeing I’m married to Kelli, he was only able to get one cousin that night.

I can't remember if this picture was taken before or after Kelli threw up from drinking too much.

I can’t remember if this picture was taken before or after Kelli threw up from drinking too much.

Pencil fighting at my brother's house.

Pencil fighting at my brother’s house.

Mike and Delcie came to town and stayed with us for a weekend.

Mike and Delcie came to town and stayed with us for a weekend.

They had a great time visiting all the sights.

They had a great time visiting all the sights.

We all went out to dinner one night in Canton (Baltimore, MD).

We all went out to dinner one night in Canton (Baltimore, MD).

It was a cool litle restaurant with great food and music.

It was a cool litle restaurant with great food and music.

The color of the leaves changing in the backyard was outstanding this year.

The color of the leaves changing in the backyard was outstanding this year.

I made this one look a little pastel.

I made this one look a little pastel.

Mike scored some tickets to the Ravens game, and invited Kelli and I.

Mike scored some tickets to the Ravens game, and invited Kelli and I.

The Ravens take the field.

The Ravens take the field.

As the sun went down, it started to get cold.

As the sun went down, it started to get cold.

But that didn't keep the Ravens from beating the Bangles.

But that didn’t keep the Ravens from beating the Bangles.

The newly unveiled Johnny Unitas statue.

The newly unveiled Johnny Unitas statue.

After the game we went to Tapas Teatro for tapas and sangria.

After the game we went to Tapas Teatro for tapas and sangria.

Cousin Dakota got his foot caught under a lawn mower.

Cousin Dakota got his foot caught under a lawn mower.

But his mom, cousin Dawn, was there to take care of him.

But his mom, cousin Dawn, was there to take care of him.

Sarah and Erin came over to show their wedding photos.....Yikes!!! I'm outa here!!

Sarah and Erin came over to show their wedding photos…..Yikes!!! I’m outa here!!

Erin sleeps in the basement while Mathew was doing some work.

Erin sleeps in the basement while Mathew was doing some work.

Western PA to visit some family.

Western PA to visit some family.

No, not the cows, the old guy on the right, Uncle Ross.

No, not the cows, the old guy on the right, Uncle Ross.

Guys weekend at the beach is about to begin.

Guys weekend at the beach is about to begin.

While I was having guys weekend at the beach....

While I was having guys weekend at the beach….

Kelli went with some friends for a bachelorette party weekend in Atlantic City.

Kelli went with some friends for a bachelorette party weekend in Atlantic City.





And no doubt drinking.

And no doubt drinking.

I should have gone with them!

I should have gone with them!

We all sat down to eat...except for my Grandmother. She wanted to wait on everyone instead of eating.

We all sat down to eat…except for my Grandmother. She wanted to wait on everyone instead of eating.

What is this you ask?

What is this you ask?

Hot wax for some weird chic self-torture-so-I-can-look-good thing.

Hot wax for some weird chic self-torture-so-I-can-look-good thing.

The Snow has arrived, and I dropped Kelli off at the train station in the morning so she could go to work....

The Snow has arrived, and I dropped Kelli off at the train station in the morning so she could go to work….

Only to pick her up later because the trains were running so late.

Only to pick her up later because the trains were running so late.

The snow, as you can see, was coming down very hard.

The snow, as you can see, was coming down very hard.

This is a pond in my brother's backyard. Notice the heart shaped water mark...

This is a pond in my brother’s backyard. Notice the heart shaped water mark…

It inspired him to write Matt loves Erin in the slush.

It inspired him to write Matt loves Erin in the slush.

Over to my mothers house for some beer and......

Over to my mothers house for some beer and……

Snow angels while we were in the hot tub. It was quite a relaxing day.

Snow angels while we were in the hot tub. It was quite a relaxing day.

With the snow barely starting to melt, Kelli and I went to Western Maryland for a book signing.

With the snow barely starting to melt, Kelli and I went to Western Maryland for a book signing.

On our way we stopped to visit the original Washington monument. Can you find Kelli?

On our way we stopped to visit the original Washington monument. Can you find Kelli?

The stairs to get up the top were tightly woven inside the structure.

The stairs to get up the top were tightly woven inside the structure.

The view with the freshly lain snow was awe-inspiring.

The view with the freshly lain snow was awe-inspiring.

The view inspired Kel to profess her love to me.

The view inspired Kel to profess her love to me.

For your reading enjoyment.

For your reading enjoyment.

Yes, it seems even the National Park Service knows how important I am.

Yes, it seems even the National Park Service knows how important I am.

The section of trail we're walking on is part of the Appalachian Trail. (this information becomes relevant in three more pictures)

The section of trail we’re walking on is part of the Appalachian Trail. (this information becomes relevant in three more pictures)

Seeing we were part of the "all" category, we stopped in for a drink.

Seeing we were part of the “all” category, we stopped in for a drink.

The Inn was very nice and festive.

The Inn was very nice and festive.

This is Conor O'Toole. He is hiking from Maine to Georgia......and then back to Maine!!! He was a nice guy, very down to earth (go figure). To help him on his travels, I bought him lunch.

This is Conor O’Toole. He is hiking from Maine to Georgia……and then back to Maine!!! He was a nice guy, very down to earth (go figure). To help him on his travels, I bought him lunch.

Now, back to the book signing (remember that's why we're here). Nora Robert's husband owns the store and she comes in often to do book signings.

Now, back to the book signing (remember that’s why we’re here). Nora Robert’s husband owns the store and she comes in often to do book signings.

I would have gotten a picture of Kelli and Nora, but I was next door drinking beer with Phil. (His wife was here for the nora thing too)

I would have gotten a picture of Kelli and Nora, but I was next door drinking beer with Phil. (His wife was here for the nora thing too)

Christmas is drawing near, and Kelli has found a tree for us.

Christmas is drawing near, and Kelli has found a tree for us.

I had to be quick about sawing the tree down....The neighboors could be home any minute.

I had to be quick about sawing the tree down….The neighboors could be home any minute.

Kelli stands watch while I go get the truck.

Kelli stands watch while I go get the truck.

At the tree farm (no we didn't really cut down a neighboor's tree) they first shake your tree on this vibrating thing to get the loose needles out....

At the tree farm (no we didn’t really cut down a neighboor’s tree) they first shake your tree on this vibrating thing to get the loose needles out….

Then run it through this machine to tie it for you. (No, for extra money they will not put your wife through the machine)

Then run it through this machine to tie it for you. (No, for extra money they will not put your wife through the machine)

Having brought the tree home, we now needed to set it up.

Having brought the tree home, we now needed to set it up.

I'm actually under there with a reciprocating saw taking off the lower branches.

I’m actually under there with a reciprocating saw taking off the lower branches.

Much better!!

Much better!!

Add a few lights, and were almost done. (see wine tasting pics for finished product)

Add a few lights, and were almost done. (see wine tasting pics for finished product)

Ryan's sister Erin, Ryan's father, and Ryan at Ryan's holiday party. Can you guess what Ryan is going to look like when he gets older?

Ryan’s sister Erin, Ryan’s father, and Ryan at Ryan’s holiday party. Can you guess what Ryan is going to look like when he gets older?

I had to make a trip to Scottsdale, AZ for my company.

I had to make a trip to Scottsdale, AZ for my company.

We were out there for training and "team building".

We were out there for training and “team building”.

The weather was wonderful, and the scenery was breath-taking.

The weather was wonderful, and the scenery was breath-taking.

Bill and Scott Enjoy a good laugh before going out one night.

Bill and Scott Enjoy a good laugh before going out one night.

Myself, Bill, Scott, and Robert went to a cool bar called Acme and shot pool all night.

Myself, Bill, Scott, and Robert went to a cool bar called Acme and shot pool all night.

A statue in olde town Scottsdale.

A statue in olde town Scottsdale.

The last night there the old Smartforce crew went to NYPD Pizza for dinner.

The last night there the old Smartforce crew went to NYPD Pizza for dinner.

We all hung out and reminisced about the good old days before the lay-offs....

We all hung out and reminisced about the good old days before the lay-offs….

It's sad to see some of these folks go.

It’s sad to see some of these folks go.

I took this picture to upload to an airplane food site. http://www.airlinemeals.net/, click here

I took this picture to upload to an airplane food site. http://www.airlinemeals.net/, click here

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Kelli and Jenny enjoy some drinks at Ellicott Mills Brewing Company

Kelli and Jenny enjoy some drinks at Ellicott Mills Brewing Company

Ed and Rob also came out for the evening.

Ed and Rob also came out for the evening.

Kelli decided Timmy wasn't moving fast enough, so she jumped in and helped.

Kelli decided Timmy wasn’t moving fast enough, so she jumped in and helped.

Rob thought that was pretty funny.

Rob thought that was pretty funny.

20 minutes, and several cleaned glasses later, she has earned herself a beer.

20 minutes, and several cleaned glasses later, she has earned herself a beer.

I zoomed in a little too far on this picture, meant to get Tim and Kel.

I zoomed in a little too far on this picture, meant to get Tim and Kel.

Well that's all for now, the next set of miscellaneous pictures will come out at the end of Winter. See you then!!!!!

Well that’s all for now, the next set of miscellaneous pictures will come out at the end of Winter. See you then!!!!!

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