Summer 2002

Dinkle and I hangin' in Fell's Point.

Dinkle and I hangin’ in Fell’s Point.

Dinkle enjoys the sounds of "The Players".

Dinkle enjoys the sounds of “The Players”.

Surprise guest, Brian Shadrick!!

Surprise guest, Brian Shadrick!!

Dinkle tries to run me over on the streets of Baltimore.

Dinkle tries to run me over on the streets of Baltimore.

We went to a bikini contest over by the power plant.

We went to a bikini contest over by the power plant.

Ah yes, women, women, women.

Ah yes, women, women, women. you really need to see her face?

Well….do you really need to see her face?

Love those blondes!

Love those blondes!

OK, done with the dress up thing, now it's time to move to the bathing suits.

OK, done with the dress up thing, now it’s time to move to the bathing suits.

These were freebies they gave away.

These were freebies they gave away.

This little hottie grabbed third place.

This little hottie grabbed third place.

This sweetie won first place.

This sweetie won first place.

Love those blondes!

Love those blondes!

I had to have a shot with me and the ladies.

I had to have a shot with me and the ladies.

Dinkle and local DJ Stash.

Dinkle and local DJ Stash.

Another day at the yard.

Another day at the yard.

Matt and I took our father and grandfather to the O's vs Yankees game for Fathers Day. (Matt is indicating the number of people he's with)

Matt and I took our father and grandfather to the O’s vs Yankees game for Fathers Day. (Matt is indicating the number of people he’s with)

Night descends on Baltimore as the Yanks lose to the O's.

Night descends on Baltimore as the Yanks lose to the O’s.

Kelli and her mother reflect on life, while Mike reflects on the window.

Kelli and her mother reflect on life, while Mike reflects on the window.

Chauncey watching me work.

Chauncey watching me work.

On the way to a party, and the directions said to take a picture of this sign. Click here to see.

On the way to a party, and the directions said to take a picture of this sign. Click here to see.

Kelli and Sarah kick back at Mo and Val's party.

Kelli and Sarah kick back at Mo and Val’s party.

Jeff waits for the burgers while enjoying the view.

Jeff waits for the burgers while enjoying the view.

Val and Mo (on the ends) entertain their guests.

Val and Mo (on the ends) entertain their guests.

Sarah teaches the dogs a card trick.

Sarah teaches the dogs a card trick.

Frolicking on the grounds of the Shepard Estate.

Frolicking on the grounds of the Shepard Estate.

Can you find Kelli?

Can you find Kelli?

We found this abandoned Bird box with a mouses nest. We cleaned it out in hopes that a bird may make it as a home.

We found this abandoned Bird box with a mouses nest. We cleaned it out in hopes that a bird may make it as a home.

Erin sits by the fish pond in her backyard.

Erin sits by the fish pond in her backyard.

Kelli joins her. I was playing with some lighting on my camera.

Kelli joins her. I was playing with some lighting on my camera.

There, got that one right.

There, got that one right.

We thought it would be good to have two pictures in case someone wasn't looking in the first.

We thought it would be good to have two pictures in case someone wasn’t looking in the first.

Hot-n-Sweaty, but lovin' the beer.

Hot-n-Sweaty, but lovin’ the beer.

My new boss, Tim, showing how many employees I'm worth to the company.

My new boss, Tim, showing how many employees I’m worth to the company.

A dragonfly that was in the front of our house.

A dragonfly that was in the front of our house.

Scott Gray sets up his guitar rig in Ryan's basement.

Scott Gray sets up his guitar rig in Ryan’s basement.

Scott and Scott warm-up.

Scott and Scott warm-up.

OK, how do we turn on the mixer?

OK, how do we turn on the mixer?

The Drunk Monkeys.

The Drunk Monkeys.

A day in Bawlmer for Artscape '02.

A day in Bawlmer for Artscape ’02.!


I call it "Vendor with Ballons".

I call it “Vendor with Ballons”.

Beer was high on the list of things to see at Artscape.

Beer was high on the list of things to see at Artscape.

Don't let this cloudy weather fool you, it was HOT!!

Don’t let this cloudy weather fool you, it was HOT!!

Jim and Jeff giving Kelli an escort.

Jim and Jeff giving Kelli an escort.

The funny thing about this was there was a song playing that kept repeating the words "Reveal the goddess in you" in Spanish.

The funny thing about this was there was a song playing that kept repeating the words “Reveal the goddess in you” in Spanish.

All the beer has made us hungry.

All the beer has made us hungry.

So we ate, drank, and took pictures.

So we ate, drank, and took pictures.

They did too, but they forgot their camera, so I took a picture for them.

They did too, but they forgot their camera, so I took a picture for them.

The main stage where someone was playing psychedelic music.

The main stage where someone was playing psychedelic music.

Sarah checks out the facilities...

Sarah checks out the facilities…

Why yes, beautiful woman, I will let you serve me a beer.

Why yes, beautiful woman, I will let you serve me a beer.

The usual suspects.

The usual suspects.

And was happy to find them clean and pleasant.

And was happy to find them clean and pleasant.

This is a picture of the hill we decided was to long and steep for our lazy butts to walk up, so we turned around and headed home.

This is a picture of the hill we decided was to long and steep for our lazy butts to walk up, so we turned around and headed home.

Look, theres a monkey carrying a man around.

Look, theres a monkey carrying a man around.

Mat's fish pond in his backyard.

Mat’s fish pond in his backyard.

This frog seems to have made a home there.

This frog seems to have made a home there.

Occasionally coming out to eat bugs.

Occasionally coming out to eat bugs.

and fun.

and fun.

Kelli pretends to Dial a phone during a game involving charades.

Kelli pretends to Dial a phone during a game involving charades.

Having finished the race already, they came back to run and drink with us.

Having finished the race already, they came back to run and drink with us.

Ryan Day turns 30 and throws a party for himself.

Ryan Day turns 30 and throws a party for himself.

The Drunk Monkeys rock the house! (all pics of band taken by Brian Shadrick)

The Drunk Monkeys rock the house! (all pics of band taken by Brian Shadrick)

We covered the song "Blurry", amoung others.

We covered the song “Blurry”, amoung others.

Brian signs to the crowd.

Brian signs to the crowd.

I play bass.

I play bass.

Scott Gray plays guitar.

Scott Gray plays guitar.

Brian really had to go to the bathroom, and couldn't stand still.

Brian really had to go to the bathroom, and couldn’t stand still.

Brian Shadrick, on the other hand, could stand still but was still learning how to hold a camera correctly.

Brian Shadrick, on the other hand, could stand still but was still learning how to hold a camera correctly.

Maybe I shouldn't have worn black.

Maybe I shouldn’t have worn black.

And Ryan plays the drums.

And Ryan plays the drums.

He doesn't really know how to play all of them, but he looks super cool.

He doesn’t really know how to play all of them, but he looks super cool.

Voted best looking couple at the party.

Voted best looking couple at the party.

The band's photographer for the evening.

The band’s photographer for the evening.

Tennis Pro Andy Roddick warms up at the Legg Mason tennis open.

Tennis Pro Andy Roddick warms up at the Legg Mason tennis open.

Kelli and I enjoy a day of tennis in Rock Creek Park.

Kelli and I enjoy a day of tennis in Rock Creek Park.

Kelli reflects on wait, thats the other way around.

Kelli reflects on tennis….no wait, thats the other way around.

Kelli checks out some animals at the Montgomery county fair.

Kelli checks out some animals at the Montgomery county fair.

Look at the size of that cock!!!

Look at the size of that cock!!!

Nothing like a county fair to provide good redneck fun like a demolition derby.

Nothing like a county fair to provide good redneck fun like a demolition derby.

What is this you ask? As the big man is telling us, the pig races are about to start!

What is this you ask? As the big man is telling us, the pig races are about to start!

And here they go, notice the announcer is not in the race.

And here they go, notice the announcer is not in the race.

The air was just filled with excitement.

The air was just filled with excitement.

Even some ducks got into the action.

Even some ducks got into the action.

Mike King and daughter Sarah got stuck on this broken ride for about 20 min.

Mike King and daughter Sarah got stuck on this broken ride for about 20 min.

Checkin' out the midway.

Checkin’ out the midway.

Kelli and I celebrate our first anniversary in Ocean city, MD.

Kelli and I celebrate our first anniversary in Ocean city, MD.

Please feel free to poke fun.

Please feel free to poke fun.

She seems happy with the card I gave her...YES!!!

She seems happy with the card I gave her…YES!!!

This is the car we cruised around in for the day......not.

This is the car we cruised around in for the day……not.

Dinner at the always good Reflections restaurant.

Dinner at the always good Reflections restaurant.

Kelli hangs with the bassist, John Sybert.

Kelli hangs with the bassist, John Sybert.

After dinner, out to see the band G-13.

After dinner, out to see the band G-13.

Celebrating AJ's birthday in OC the same weekend at The Outback.

Celebrating AJ’s birthday in OC the same weekend at The Outback.

Some after celebration celebrations.

Some after celebration celebrations.

AJ and Christopher kick back.

AJ and Christopher kick back.

Daughter and mother.

Daughter and mother.

Craig models the "wife beater" T-shirt.

Craig models the “wife beater” T-shirt.

We moved to the family room for more fun.

We moved to the family room for more fun.

Apparently Brut cologne is a good cure for bug bites.

Apparently Brut cologne is a good cure for bug bites.

Cousin Barb caught going for the pie.

Cousin Barb caught going for the pie.

Money, ca$h Money!!!!!

Money, ca$h Money!!!!!

Drinking with the fellas one night.

Drinking with the fellas one night.

Jeremy's beer after a peanut throwing war.

Jeremy’s beer after a peanut throwing war.

My Grandfather and I on our way to PA to visit a cousin of mine.

My Grandfather and I on our way to PA to visit a cousin of mine.

We passed the crash site for flight 93 on the way there.

We passed the crash site for flight 93 on the way there.

It was only 2.5 miles off of route 30.

It was only 2.5 miles off of route 30.

So we decided to stop and have a look.

So we decided to stop and have a look.

Old Glory.

Old Glory.

This plaque has the names of all those onboard the flight when it went down.

This plaque has the names of all those onboard the flight when it went down.

Right against the tree line in the middle of the picture is where the plane went down.

Right against the tree line in the middle of the picture is where the plane went down.

Upon arrival to Derry, Pa, I decided to go for a swim with cousin Colby.

Upon arrival to Derry, Pa, I decided to go for a swim with cousin Colby.

She's an excellent swimmer, and is a member of the local swim team.

She’s an excellent swimmer, and is a member of the local swim team.

Later we decided to sing karaoke.

Later we decided to sing karaoke.

My grandfather waits to see what we're going to sing.

My grandfather waits to see what we’re going to sing.

Colby gives her disclaimer before singing....

Colby gives her disclaimer before singing….

Then proceeds to bring down the roof.

Then proceeds to bring down the roof.

We only stayed for one night.

We only stayed for one night.

So we took a few pictures in the morning....

So we took a few pictures in the morning….

And talked for a while before heading home.

And talked for a while before heading home.

Rob Dinkle bought himself a new house.

Rob Dinkle bought himself a new house.

When I got there to celebrate though, the fridge was empty.

When I got there to celebrate though, the fridge was empty.

But the ice maker was working....

But the ice maker was working….

And so was the Crown Royal I brought!

And so was the Crown Royal I brought!

To be said in Homer Simpson tone - Mmmmmmm, Crown and Coke.

To be said in Homer Simpson tone – Mmmmmmm, Crown and Coke.

That guys cute, maybe I should have taken him?

That guys cute, maybe I should have taken him?

Hanging out at my brothers house.

Hanging out at my brothers house.

Mark gets his dog Joe to jump for a ball.

Mark gets his dog Joe to jump for a ball.

Out drinking one night, and we ran into Bill Walker.

Out drinking one night, and we ran into Bill Walker.

Ryan and I get ready to go to OC for the second annual Delmarva Bike Week.

Ryan and I get ready to go to OC for the second annual Delmarva Bike Week.

Look, over there!!

Look, over there!!

I think Rob goosed Tim in this picture.

I think Rob goosed Tim in this picture.

Young grasshopper catch fly.

Young grasshopper catch fly.

Hmm....let's see...where can we put it?

Hmm….let’s see…where can we put it?

Shoot, it was dropped on the floor, someone find it.

Shoot, it was dropped on the floor, someone find it.

Chuck found it, now what do we do with it?

Chuck found it, now what do we do with it?

Well, could I really say something that would supersede what you see in the picture?

Well, could I really say something that would supersede what you see in the picture?

We tried to get Rob to wash the fly down with a glass of water, but he wasn't havin' it.

We tried to get Rob to wash the fly down with a glass of water, but he wasn’t havin’ it.

I think Sarah and Jeff make quite the couple.

I think Sarah and Jeff make quite the couple.

Well, after a long summer (trip to Europe, 5 weddings, 4 trips to OC, trip to FL, trip to PA, etc.), Kelli decides to take a nap. See ya at the end of Fall!!!!

Well, after a long summer (trip to Europe, 5 weddings, 4 trips to OC, trip to FL, trip to PA, etc.), Kelli decides to take a nap. See ya at the end of Fall!!!!

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