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Ryan and I get ready to go to OC for the second annual Delmarva Bike Week.
Look, over there!!
I think Rob goosed Tim in this picture.
Young grasshopper catch fly.
Hmm….let’s see…where can we put it?
Shoot, it was dropped on the floor, someone find it.
Chuck found it, now what do we do with it?
Well, could I really say something that would supersede what you see in the picture?
We tried to get Rob to wash the fly down with a glass of water, but he wasn’t havin’ it.
I think Sarah and Jeff make quite the couple.
Well, after a long summer (trip to Europe, 5 weddings, 4 trips to OC, trip to FL, trip to PA, etc.), Kelli decides to take a nap. See ya at the end of Fall!!!!